英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_72 Winter

英语口语听力提升(Level 1)-Day_72 Winter





1.fall 秋天

2.snowflakes 雪花

3.blanket 毯

4.fort 城堡

5.ice rink 滑冰场

6.skates 溜冰

7.goalie 守门员

8.puck 冰球

9.shovel 铲

10.glistens 闪闪发光



Once the fall is over and the snowflakes start to fallI get very excited.

I can hardly wait for the ground to be covered with a blanket of white snow.

I put on my mittensmy scarfmy hatcoat and winter bootsand I run out into the fluffy snow.

I have to be careful not to slip on the ice.

It can be very icy and cold in the winter.

The first thing that I do is to build a snow man.

I sometimes build a snow fort too.

My friends and I have a good snowball fight.

We laugh a lotand our cheeks and noses get very red.

When we get too coldwe go into house and have a cup of hot chocolate.

My father filled the backyard with water that freezes and turns into an ice rink.

When the ice is hard enoughmy friends and I get our skates and we go out on the ice to play hockey.

All of my friends own hockey sticks.

I am usually the goalieand I have to keep the puck from going into the net.

My sister and her friends don't really like to play hockey.

They would rather just skate around on the ice.

I took skating lessonsso I don't usually fall down.

My little brother is just learning to skateso he falls down a lot.

My father has to shovel the snow off the paths and the driveway in the winter

I help him.

Shoveling snow is hard work.

When my dad and I finish shoveling the drivewaywe go into the house and warm our hands and feet in front of the fireplace.

There is probably nothing more beautiful than the fresh fallen snow on the trees

In the morningwhen the sun shines on the snowit glistens.

I like to leave my footprints in the snow.

Winter can be very beautiful and exciting.

  • 听友284138237


    阿坑是个坑 回复 @听友284138237: level1内容比较简单,所以句子逻辑性不是很强,也是为了更好听懂单个句子。level2和3更像是完整的短文,逻辑性更强一点。

  • 小燕爱花花


  • GrownS

    The lesson of day 71 was missed

  • HaroldWANG

    48秒,应该是ice rink

  • 漫天红叶飞舞


  • 听友284138237


  • 听友284138237


  • 双双对对汪汪

    00:45,My father……turn into an ice rink. 溜冰场

  • Simfly2000


    阿坑是个坑 回复 @Simfly2000: 已修改,感谢支持