


Have A Crush On Someone 迷恋/暗恋某人

--I HAD a crush on my husband when I first met him. 我第一次看到我老公就暗恋他。

Flirt With Someone 和某人示好/调情

Ask Someone Out 约某人约会

Fall In Love 坠入爱河

Love At First Sight 一见钟情

Date 约会 Date night 约会夜晚(没有小孩的)

I heard that your brother is dating a model. Is it true? 我听说你哥哥在和模特儿约会,是真的吗?

Go out with 约会/谈恋爱

Stand someone up 放鸽子/跟某人爽约

I was planning to have dinner with Barbara, but she stood me up. I waited for her at the restaurant for three hours, but she never came. 我打算和芭芭拉吃晚餐,但是她放我鸽子。我在餐厅等她等了3个小时,她都没有出现。

hug 抱抱 kiss 亲亲

engaged 订婚

I'm engaged 我订婚了!She said yes! 她答應我的求婚了!

Did you hear? John and Sarah are engaged! They’re planning a June wedding. 你有听说吗?约翰和莎拉订婚了,他们在计划一个六月婚礼。

Fiancé / Fiancée 未婚夫/未婚妻

Get Married 结婚 = get hitched/tie the knot 

We got married in 1972, so we’ve been together for more than 30 years! 我们在1972年结婚,我们已经在一起超过30年了!

Honeymoon 蜜月

They went to Costa Rica for their honeymoon. 他们去哥斯达黎加蜜月。

Anniversary 纪念日

My parents’ wedding anniversary is May 22nd. 我爸妈的婚礼纪念日是五月二十二日。


