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At the Airport

l   I would like…  --- I would like some water.

l   What time is my flight? 

l   What airline am I flying? 

l   Where is my gate? 

l   Where is the restroom? 

l   How much does the magazine cost? 


On the Airplane

l   Are meals included? 

l   May I purchase headphones? 

l   What time is it? 

l   Can I have a blanket?

l   Can I have something to drink?


At Customs

l   I have a connecting flight. 

l   I am traveling for leisure. 

l   I am traveling for work.

l   I will be here for ___ days. 

l   I am visiting family. 

l   I am staying at _____. 


Arriving at Your Destination

l   Do you have a map? 

l   Where is the currency exchange? 

l   Where is the bus stop?  where is this bus going?

l   Where can I find a taxi? 

l   I would like to go to _____. 

l   Do you know where this hotel is? 

At the Hotel

l   How many beds are in the room? 

l   I would like one king bed, please. 

l   What floor am I on? 

l   How do I access the Internet? / what is the password for the WiFi?

l   Is there free breakfast? 

l   My room needs towels. 

l   My room is messy, and I would like it cleaned. 

l   How do I call for room service? 


Around Town

l   Where can I find a grocery store? 

l   Where is the hospital? 

l   Where can I find a restaurant? 

l   Where is the bank?

l   How do you get to ____? 

l   How far is it to _____? 



l   It’s to the right.

l   It’s to the left. 

l   It’s straight ahead. 

l   It’s at the corner. 

l   It’s two blocks ahead (or three blocks, or four…).


At a Restaurant

l   A table for two/four

l   I would like to drink…  water, soda/pop, beer and wine.

l   May I see a menu? 

l   I would like to order ____.  

1)                I’ll have soup. 

2)                I’ll have a salad. 

3)               I’ll have a hamburger. 

4)               I’ll have chicken.

l   I’ll have an appetizer.

l   I would like dessert. 

l   May I have the bill? 

  • 温暖_0m

    check in

  • yayarong


    TCS4321 回复 @yayarong: 是啊,赞同!

  • 听友61018662


  • 听友72742100


  • 枫丹白露娘子


  • 摄影师闯先生


  • QYT7


  • 大砖头


  • 李道能

    two blocks

  • 听友1165415
