9月2日 英语:在家吸烟违法!泰国新规:在家吸烟=家暴 Smoking at home a crime

9月2日 英语:在家吸烟违法!泰国新规:在家吸烟=家暴 Smoking at home a crime


Costco closed for popularity

China's first Costco store is so popular that it had to shut down early on its first day because of too many shoppers. The US supermarket giant opened its first physical outlet in Shanghai on Tuesday morning, and it quickly got too crowded to stay open. "The store has been clogged up with crowds," Costco said in a text message alert to its members in China. "To provide you with better shopping experience, Costco will suspend business in the afternoon. Please don't come."

Police were deployed to restore order and manage traffic jams around the store, with law enforcement urging people to remain calm. But despite the early buzz around its Shanghai store, the US retailer will have to prove it can stick around for the long haul. 

It has to contend not only with global rivals like Walmart and big Chinese players like Alibaba and JD.com, but also with China's rapid economic changes and its growing online retail industry.

Use brain, make it stronger
研究 : 玩得越嗨脑子越好

A new study has found that mentally stimulating activities, like using computers, playing games, making crafts and participating in social activities, are linked to a lower risk or delay of age-related memory loss called mild cognitive impairment (MCI). There is strong evidence that MCI can be a precursor of dementia. 

Researchers found that using a computer in middle-age was associated with a 48% lower risk of MCI. Engaging in social activities, like going to movies or going out with friends, or playing games, like doing crosswords or playing cards, in both middle-age and later life were associated with a 20% lower risk of developing MCI. Craft activities were associated with a 42% lower risk, but only in later life.

Spider-Man could be leaving

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige won't produce any more "Spider-Man" films due to "an inability by Disney and Sony Pictures to reach new terms." This could mean that the fan-favorite webslinger won't appear in future films involving the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

However, while "Spider-Man" Tom Holland is still committed to two upcoming movies, director Jon Watts may not be signed on to direct the third installment of the franchise as previously planned, according to an updated report from Deadline. The news comes almost two months after "Spider-Man: Far From Home" premiered and became Sony's biggest global box office. Almost as soon as the news hit, there has been a wave of reactions on Twitter. 

Most fans are completely shocked over the reports due to the success of the "Spider-Man" movies led by Holland and Zendaya. Others are just distraught. Some fans are coping with the news by proposing other people — like "Iron Man" Robert Downey Jr., perhaps - buy Sony so that Spider-Man will stay a part of the MCU.

Smoking at home a crime
泰国 : 在家吸烟视为家暴

Smoking in your own home in Thailand may now be considered a crime, if the smoke is considered harmful to other people in the house. The new law, Family Protection and Development Promotion Act, which came into force on August 20, aims at curbing smoking at home which might be hazardous for others' health residing under the same roof. In that case, it will be considered as "domestic violence". 

Smoking at home also "may lead to physical or emotional violence" because of aggressiveness when there is a lack of smoking, and might as well ruin relationships between smokers and non-smoker family members. According to the law, anyone who thinks they are affected by domestic smoking can report to officials concerned so that inspectors will be sent to investigate and take legal action against the smokers.

  • 遇珩珩珩珩


  • RNGayLetme


  • 大龙王_y0


  • 大大大大芋圆

    I didn't hear that our China have taken out such laws---Smoking at home a crime? why?

  • 丶小谪仙

    China daily

    lele1818s 回复 @丶小谪仙: 和与wysatbqfahavzsvacztfacauhwf和hgchzgzgfhsvfxbzvgdcxxxgsgxtgdgxgsg和股份公司图书馆小哥哥小哥哥幸福时光想太多会过得很好的和坏习惯是共同体优秀的絮絮不休头发会过得好基础工程餐厅和教学和他的和坏习惯影响一个独特的营业部独具匠心长途车态度电话会议参与和整体效果是鬼使神差图书小哥哥哦恶搞没事的和得到的大义凛然异地高考而我太突然有人打开天天看到像个默默想念分钟付款现如今分享自发家致富酒逢知己分

  • 厄尔尼诺_wx


    inforchaos 回复 @厄尔尼诺_wx: b)0 ;z

  • 听友372322949


  • 耕读船家

  • 耕读船家

  • 暮雨Muyu
