特斯拉发布最新SUV电动车:Model Y | Elon Musk’s seco

特斯拉发布最新SUV电动车:Model Y | Elon Musk’s seco

Elon Musk unveiled Tesla’s mid-size electric SUV, the Model Y, Thursday
night in Hawthorne, Calif.
周四晚,埃隆.马斯克在加州霍桑发布了特斯拉中型SUV电动汽车Model Y。
The most-affordable Model Y will have a base price of $39,000 and a 230-
mile battery range, but customers will have to wait until at least 2021 to own
one of the five-seater SUVs. Tesla will first sell more expensive versions of the
Model Y — with prices starting from $47,000 to $60,000, and offering more
battery range. Those will ship starting in 2020, according to the company.
There are additional charges for Tesla’s autopilot software, a third row of seats
and colors other than black. A panoramic glass roof comes standard.
最便宜的Model Y基础版价格为3.9万美元,续航里程为230英里,但消费者
色外的其他颜色都需要额外付费。Model Y车型全景玻璃天窗是标准配置。
An enthusiastic Musk said on stage he expected Tesla to sell more Model Ys
than Model 3s and Model Xs combined. Production of the SUV is supposed to
begin next year.
马斯克在台上表示,他预计特斯拉的Model Y销量将超过Model 3和Model
But many questions remain unanswered about the Model Y, including where
it will be manufactured and how fast Tesla can scale production to meet
demand. Tesla has said previously it will likely build the Model Y at its
Gigafactory in Nevada.
但关于Model Y,还有许多问题尚未得到解决,包括它将在哪里生产,以及
华达州的超级工厂生产Model Y
