040 Level 2 减肥-跟读版

040 Level 2 减肥-跟读版


1. I refuse to be defined by my body weight. 我拒绝(不想)他人以体重判断我的为人。

2. It is my belief that your body weight shouldnt have anything to do with your self-esteem. 我个人坚信体重和自尊心应该毫无任何联

3. There is no better way to stay in good shape than sticking with a healthy diet. 坚持合理健康的饮食是保持身形健康的最佳方式。 

4. It just kills me to think that I cant eat as much ice cream as I want for the next two months.一想到连续两个月不能随心所以的吃冰激凌,我就悲痛万分(痛不欲生)。

5. A balanced diet is the key to a healthy body. 均衡的饮食是身体健康的核心要素。

6. I guess I have to live with the fact that I am a big-boned girl. 我恐怕得接受这样一个事实:我就是天生体型大的女孩。

7.You have no idea what a big deal losing weight is for some people!你都不知道减肥对有些人而言意味着什么(意味着一切)!

8. Nine out of ten girls want to be thin and slim. 女孩子十有八九都想又瘦又苗条。

9. It takes strong will-power to go on a diet. 节食需要非凡的意志力。

10. Its totally pointless trying to lose weight. 减肥完全没有用。

