


America under the Microscope - Driving (ADV)

Buying a new car 

- You need to go to a dealership 

- You can request for a car to be sent to the dealership 

- It is difficult to buy a car out of state because the license of the car is linked with the state.

- Prices 

   - Toyota Camry $24,000

   - BMW 3 Series $45,000

- Most people don't pay sticker price, there is always room for negotiation.

*Bargaining tips

- If you "lead the sales people on" to believe that you are going to ask for financing services (pay in installments), they are likely to drop the price.

- If you offer to pay it in full, they are less likely to go much lower than the sticker price

- Dealership helps you with all the paperwork and they will give you the paper for the temporary license. 

- You also have to buy car insurance straightaway and you can do that online. 

Buying a used car 

- You can buy it through dealerships or directly from owners. 

- If you want to buy it directly from owners, you should:

   - Take someone who knows cars with you

   - Take the car to a service center or a garage of your choice to have it inspected

   - "A lemon" is usually a car with hidden problems 

   - You need to transfer the title and continue to use the license 

   - You can pay extra to get a "novelty plate" (non-standard license plate)

      (you can put anything on it as long as it is not already used or offensive) 

Traffic laws 

- Traffic laws are very heavily enforced and monitored. 

- Speeding, illegal parking, illegal turning 

 - If you break the traffic laws, you might be pulled over by the police. If that happens, follow the police instructions and STAY IN the car. 

- Reckless driving 

- DUI = Driving under Influence (alcohol/drugs...) 

   Your license will be suspended. 

  • 墨熹喜


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @墨熹喜: 你听的是挑战版,所以自然语速,完全没有中文,适合中高级水平的学习者,建议从专辑最早的节目开始听起,会慢不少,而且中文也不少

  • mastiny


  • 脚踏车929

    璐璐 我希望在新年那天同一个节目里听到你们三个人的声音

    英语主播璐璐 回复 @脚踏车929: 嗯嗯,肯定会,今年还有新人新声音

  • 古仔行天下


  • gqsjee10fwoi8j1hli5e


  • Lydia静


  • yulian504


  • mark韜


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @mark韜: 喵星+古灵精怪星人

  • Miracle佳琳

    请问novelty plate是什么意思呢?

    英语主播璐璐 回复 @雪花snowflake: 对哒,超个性的那种

  • 南希小偲11096
