017 寻找、更换座位

017 寻找、更换座位

365天英语口语大全 旅游英语
  • Ally玥如

    1,would you please direct me to my seat?.2, it s sixteen a.3, is my seat on the aisle side or by the window ? 4,is this seat sixteen a? 5,sorry, I thought it was eightteen a 6,may I change to a window seat? 7, do you have any empty seats together somewhere ? 8,the two of us were seated apart from each other. 9, Is this a vacant seat? 10, shall we change seats? 11, excuse me, can I get through ?

  • Ally玥如

    对话:May i see your boarding pass? Sure, My seat number is 27B 。Right, this way please. Thank you .Excuse me? Yes,May i help you? I have a special medical condition which requires me to make frequent trip to the toilet. Would you mind changing seats with me?Not at all. it would be easier for me to do this than to always have to get out of my seat to let you through. thanks. you re welcome.

  • 余亚军_80

    Not at all . It would be easier for me to do this , when all withs have get off my seat Thanks You're welcome

    盼盼_v3q 回复 @盼盼_v3q: it will be easier for me to do this than to always have to get out of my seat to let you through.

  • 听友92051162

    the 2 of us are departed from each other

  • 听友92051162

    is my seat on the airside or by the window

  • Vencypan

    direct me to my seat seat 16 A change to a window seat empty seat vacant seat Can I get through? 我能过一下吗?

  • 余亚军_80

    May i see your boarding pass? Sure, My seat number is 27B Right, the way please Thank you Excuse me? Yes,May i help you? I have a special medical condition which requires me to make free convenient to the toilet. Would you mind changing seat with me?

    盼盼_v3q 回复 @余亚军_80: Right this way,plz.

  • 听友92051162

    is this a vacant seat

  • 听友92051162

    do u have any empty seats together somewhere

  • 听友92051162

    may I change to a window seat