热点英语新闻5:抖音封禁超20万对青少年恶意账号 短视频如何防沉迷?

试听65热点英语新闻5:抖音封禁超20万对青少年恶意账号 短视频如何防沉迷?


Douyin Takes Action to Prevent Youth Addiction to App
抖音封禁超20万对青少年恶意账号 短视频如何防沉迷?

adj. 粗俗的;通俗的
Lacking in cultivation, perception, or taste; morally crude, undeveloped, or unregenerate.

vulgarity n. 庸俗,粗俗
vulgarian n. 俗人

vulgar style 庸俗作风
vulgar taste 低级趣味

I think that is the most vulgar and tasteless remark I have ever heard in my life.

Similarly, the “humanitarian care” paraded by artists has also been trapped into the springe of some critics’ interpretation of Vulgar Sociologism.

adj. 较小的,低级的,次要的
n. 未成年人
Lesser in importance, seriousness, or significance. A person under the age of full legal responsibility.

minority n. 少数民族

minor crime 未成年人犯罪
minor injury 轻伤

I can put up with minor inconveniences.  

The symptoms suggest a minor heart attack.  

adj. 恶意的,恶毒的
Having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone: given to, marked by, or arising from malice.

malice n. 恶意
maliciously adv. 有敌意地

malicious intentions 不怀好意
malicious possession 恶意占有

It was malicious gossip, completely without substance.

These are not necessarily hateful, malicious people.

For quite some time now, there’s been sentiment brewing that Douyin needs to do more to protect its younger users. It’s especially been criticized for vulgar content which is clearly inappropriate for minors. And indeed, back in January, the app was fined the maximum penalty for spreading online what’s been described as quote “obscene, pornographic and vulgar information” endquote.

And just how many of the app’s users are minors?

Good question. An incredible 600 million people are using the app every single day. That being said, according to a report released in May 2020 by China Internet Network Information Center, it seems that the country had a total of 175 million underage internet users in 2019 at least. And half of them watched short videos regularly.

That’s a pretty crazy number of people. So let’s hear about Douyin’s clean-up efforts.

Well, the short video sensation has taken a number of steps. Speaking at a youth protection open day event on Tuesday, the app said its banned more than 200,000 malicious accounts targeting minors. Douyin said it also took down more than 2 million illegal videos last year.

And, the platform has also added a new so-called youth mode feature in order to prevent minors from becoming addicted to the app. Here’s how it works. Once the youth mode is switched on, users can watch the app for no more than 40 minutes each time. They also won’t be able to use the app between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.

On top of that, all the videos which will be accessible under the youth mode setting will also have been screened by the app’s content reviewers. Such content will also be limited to science, education, and animation videos with no commercials.

Alright, well let’s talk about livestreamers. Weren’t there a few cases where kids logged into their parents’ accounts to spend money on digital gifts for their favorite livestreamers?

Yeah, an increasing number of such incidents have been reported.

Douyin appears to have taken note of such concerns and it’s come up with a way to prevent youngsters from sending gifts to live-streamers. This includes using facial recognition technology to detect minor users. If Douyin finds that any live-streamers are encouraging minors to send gifts to them, then these online entertainers will be banned from the platform. And Douyin has been making good on this promise. In a crackdown early this year, the app banned over 200 live-streamers for violating this particular rule.


