高三英语考前必听试题 3(快速版)

高三英语考前必听试题 3(快速版)








例:How much is the shirt?





1 In which department does Ben work now?

A. Engineering.     B. Marketing.         C. Sales.

2 What does the woman dislike about the sofa?

A. The style.       B. The color.          C. The size.

3 How much will it cost the woman’s son to go to New York?

A. $60.           B. $30.               C. $12.

4 What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A. The weather.    B. Their hobbies.       C. Sports to do.

5 Where does this conversation take place?

A. In a restaurant.   B. In a hotel.           C. In a cinema.

第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5 分) 



6 What is the man doing?

A. Expressing his dissatisfaction.

B. Asking the woman for advice.

C. Trying to make an appointment.

7 Who could the woman most probably be?

A. The man’s colleague.     B. A nurse.      C. A doctor




8 Why is the man still living with his parents?

A. He can’t afford his own apartment.

B. His parents ask him to do so.

C. He likes living at home.

9 How can we describe the man?

A. He is lazy.      B. He is independent.     C. He is understanding.


10 What does the woman think of theStar Wars film?

A. It’s exciting.    B. It’s boring.                C. It’s attractive.

11 What do the speakers have in common?

A. They both like watching films online.

B. They both like Sandra Bullock very much.

C. They both like the movie based on Stephen King’s novel.

12 What will the speakers do tonight?

A. See a film in the cinema.   B. Go out for dinner.   C. Watch TV at home.


13 What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A kind of hotel.           B. The city of Tokyo.   C. The man’s home.

14 What is the man?

A. A house agent.            B. A hotel clerk.       C. A teacher.

15 What do we know about the man’s home?

A. It’s too small.       

B. It has lots of rooms.

C. It’s far from his working place.

16 How does the woman feel about the capsule hotel?

A. Amazed.             B. Doubtful.                C. Satisfied.


17 What can we learn about the dance studios?

A. They are spacious.    B. They offer room for drinks.   C. They have high mirrors.

18 Where is the Skate Center?

A. It’s opposite the swimming pool.

B. It’s next to the changing rooms.

C. It’s behind the tennis courts.

19 What should teenagers over 16 do first to join the entertainment center?

A. Fill in a form with personal information.

B. Get their parents’ permission.

C. Pay an annual fee.

20 How much should one pay altogether when attending a single class?

A. $200.           B. $21.                C. $20.



 (Text 1)

M:I hear Ben’s moved?

W:Yes … they needed someone with an engineering qualification in Marketing Department, so they moved him there.

M:Who’s replaced him in Sales then?

W:No one yet.

(Text 2)  

M:Jane, look at our sofa. It’s the newest style.

W:Well, I like the colour and everything, but I’d prefer something smaller.

(Text 3)  

W:How much will it cost my son and me to go to New York?

M:It’s $60 full-fare for you and a half-fare for your son since he is under 12.

(Text 4)  

W: There was a storm warning on the radio this morning. I’m afraid we can’t go sailing today.

M: We’ll have to change our plans. Would you rather play table tennis or skate?

W: I prefer skating on the ice.

M: OK.

(Text 5)  


W:Hello. We have a reservation. The name’s Margaret. A table for three.

M:Yes, OK. If you’d like to come this way, please.






(Text 6)

W: Hello. Can I help you?

M: Yes, this is Jimmy Carter. I saw Dr. Brown last week. She gave me medicine and advised me to take things easy. But now I feel even worse, so I wonder if I can come to her tomorrow.

W: I’m afraid not. She’s fully booked tomorrow, but there’s an opening at 3 this afternoon.

M: Oh, no. I’m busy at that moment and I really can’t come this afternoon.

W: Well, maybe if the doctor told you to take it easy you shouldn’t be working so hard. That might be part of the problem.


(Text 7)

W:So, are you still living with your parents?

M:I’m afraid so. I wish I had my own apartment.

W:Why? Don’t you like living at home?

M:No. My parents are always asking me to be home before midnight. I wish they’d stop worrying about me.

W:Yeah, parents are like that.

M:And they expect me to help around the house. I hate housework. I wish life weren’t so difficult.

W:So, why don’t you move out?

M:Hey, I wish I could, but I don’t have much money. Where else can I get free room and board?

W:Hey, you should rely on yourself!


(Text 8)

W: Do you want to see a movie tonight?

M: Hmm. Maybe. What’s playing? How about the newStar Wars film? I hear it’s really exciting.

W: Actually, I’ve seen it. And I nearly fell asleep at the cinema.

M: What about the movie based on Stephen King’s new novel? 

W: His books are usually attractive, but I don’t like that kind of movie. I’m interested in the new Sandra Bullock movie. It looks good.

M: That’s fine with me. She’s a wonderful actress.

W: OK. I’ll check the cinema’s website and see when the movie starts. Maybe we can go out to a show after dinner … Oh, no.

M: What’s wrong?

W: It’s not showing anymore. It was showing just last weekend. We’re back where we started!

M: Why don’t we just stay and see what’s on TV tonight?

W: Sounds good.


(Text 9)

W:Welcome to the programYour Home Is My Home. Our guest tonight is Brad Philips. Brad, tell us a little about yourself. What do you do?

M:Well, I’m working as an English teacher in Tokyo, Japan. Tokyo is an exciting city, but it’s also very spread out. It can sometimes take hours to go from one part of the city to another. When I don’t feel like going all the way home, I sometimes stay in a capsule hotel.

W:A capsule hotel? Can you explain what that is?

M:Yeah. It’s a hotel with lots of small rooms. Actually, they’re not really rooms. They’re spaces that are two meters by one meter, and only a meter high. They are really small, but the hotel is cheap and very convenient.

W:And what’s inside each room?

M:There is a bed, a TV …

W:A TV? Really?

M:Yeah, and a reading light, a radio, and an alarm clock. It also has lockers, where you can keep your personal belongings.

W:Really? That’s amazing!  


(Text 10)

M:Now some of you have not been to Park Entertainment Center before, so let me just tell you a little about it. As you can see, the reception area here is very spacious, and there is plenty of room to meet your friends and have a drink. We also have new dance studios with floor-to-ceiling mirrors. The dance studios are to the left of the reception area, opposite the swimming pool. Both the roller skating and skateboarding classes will be held in the Skate Center. The center is beside the changing rooms, which you can see behind us, between the gym and tennis courts. Now, the final thing I want to talk about is how to join the Park Entertainment Center and attend the classes. First you need to complete a form with your address and telephone number and the name of your school. If you’re under sixteen years old, then you’ll also be required to get your parents’ permission to take part in the classes. Please ask one of your parents to sign the form. When you’ve done this, you just hand the forms to reception. You can pay an annual fee of $200, or you can pay $20 each time you attend the classes. There is a one dollar admission feein this case. Whether you decide to payin one go or with each visit, you still need to complete the form and become a member. Once we have the forms, we’ll send your membership card to your home address. All you need to do is show this card every time you come to the center, and if you want to book a class, you just need your membership number on your card.   

第二节到此结束。现在, 你有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到客观题答题卡上。




1. B  2. C  3. B  4. C  5. A  6. C  7. B  8. A  9. A  10. B

11. B  12. C  13. A  14. C  15. C  16. A  17. C  18. B  19. A  20. B


  • 听友236082389


  • 米西ye


    听友236082389 回复 @米西ye: 就是说这个沙发大了一点,她不满意

  • 米西ye

