18-It as in Sit

试听5418-It as in Sit


It as in Sit

Kim tries on the shirt to see if it will fit.

The paramedic has a first-aid kit.

Mrs. Smith likes to knit.

Cindy has a special holiday outfit.

Whit and his parents sit on the grass.

Mick plays a clown in a skit at school.


My Outfit Split

When I sat, my pants split!

My outfit used to fit.

But now there is a slit.

I have to wear my outfit in a skit.

It starts in a little bit.

I don’t know how to knit.

I’ll try to fix my outfit with a sewing kit.

I can’t fix the split, but I won’t quit.

Instead, I’ll wear my new outfit.

It will be a hit!

Okay, babies, now let's review some of The -it Word Family

bit, fit, it, kit, knit, lit, outfit, pit, quit, sit, skit, slit, spit, split, Whit, wit


Okay, congratulations babies, you have learned it as in sit.

