05-Ap as in Cap

试听6105-Ap as in Cap


Ap as in Cap


Lisa is wearing a blue baseball cap.

Tina and Holly clap their hands together.

Gabe holds his dog in his lap.

Five kids color a big map.

Gail’s bag has a shoulder strap.

Ben is caught in his friends’ trap.

Once there was a chap who wore a scarf and cap.


Zap and the Chap

One day he went for a walk and followed a map.

The chap saw a track and ran a lap.

He passed some trees that were dripping sap.

He came to a fence and went through a gap.

The chap found a stray dog that barked Yap!

He named her Zap.

Suddenly there was lightning and a loud thunder clap.

Zap and the chap ran home in a snap.

The chap fed Zap kibble and a leftover wrap.

He gave Zap a bowl of fresh water from the tap.

Zap lay down in the chap’s lap.

And then Zap and the chap took a long nap.


Okay, babies, now let's review some of The -ap Word Family:

Cap, chap, clap, flap, gap, lap, map, nap, rap, sap, snap, strap, tap, trap, wrap, zap


Okay, congratulations babies, you have learned Ap as in cap

