


Campus Dining Club Announced 
Starting this year, the university dining hall will be transformed into The Campus Dining Club for one week at the end of each semester. During the last week of each semester, the dining hall will feature special meals prepared by the university’s culinary arts students. The school feels that this will give students who are studying cooking and food preparation valuable experience that will help them later, when they pursue careers. The university has announced that it will charge a small additional fee for these dinners in order to pay for the special gourmet food ingredients that will be required. 
阅读材料的标题部分是所阅读文章的核心话题,大家 千万不能一扫而过,而简单地认为阅读中的细节才是需要注 意的。因为随后我会说到阅读的所有细节都需要一个附着物, 也就是阅读标题中的核心话题。我甚至希望阅读笔记都围绕 着阅读标题来记,这一点在随后几个例题中都会体现出来。 也希望同学们在跟着我一起做后面的例题时,都以这样的思 路来记笔记。 
本篇文章的标题是“Campus Dining Club Announced”,我 们可以简单地认为文章会描述 Campus Dining Club 是如何 / 为 何被 Announced, 它会导致怎样的结果。 
注:希望大家能够记住标题“‘××××’为何发生?如何 进行?会导致什么样的结果?”这个三段式的问法。后文我们 遇到阅读文章时都应该以这样的方式来思考。值得注意的是, 后文未必会把这三个问题都回答到、回答全,但这样的提前思 考和预期至少帮我们圈定了可能展开的话题内容。 
第一句Starting this year, the university dining hall will be transformed into The Campus Dining Club for one week at the end of each semester.主旨句,提纲挈领,指出新变化。事实上,阅读部分的首句往往也都是主旨句,需要重点关注,尤其是涉及地点、时间、数字、事件(增加或减少,有或者无)等时,其中所包含的关键词将会在后面的阅读文章及听力文本中反复出现,所以从一开始我们就需要对文本进行理解和分析。

第二句During the last week of each semester, the dining hall will feature special meals prepared by the university’s culinary arts students.进一步解释变化的具体内容,帮助大家理解主旨句。这里解释Campus Dining Club,说明考生并不需要有北美校园生活经验,不熟悉的词在文中会有解释。这句话里面有一个生词,即“culinary arts students”中的“culinary”。不认识这个词的同学会有一些小麻烦,不过后文给出了易于推断该单词含义的句子。下一句提到的“students who are studying cooking and food preparation”就是“culinary arts students”的含义,所以“culinary” 这个单词和烹饪相关,它的意思就是“厨房的,烹饪的”。我们在阅读部分应该有这样的预期:单词都比较容易,遇到不认识的单词一般在后文都有直接或间接的解释,因为单词识记能力是在阅读单项中考查的能力,口语关注且只关注口头语言表达。除了生词之外,本句只需要了解句中所提及的“last week of each semester”就对应了上一句中的“one week at the end of each semester”,其中“feature special meals prepared by the university’s culinary arts students”是上一句中“transformed into”的具体表现。

第三句The school feels that this will give students who are studying cooking and food preparation valuable experience that will help them later, when they pursue careers.原因部分,描述了为什么学校会推出这样的政策。关键部分是valuable experience/ pursue careers(二者之间有内在的因果关系,记笔记时至少记录下一个),“who are studying cooking and food preparation”是在进一步解释“culinary arts students”。不难看出,原因是学校为了给“culinary arts students”提供一些对日后的“career”有帮助的“experience”。
The university has announced that it will charge a small additional fee for these dinners in order to pay for the special gourmet food ingredients that will be required.结果部分,即对学生的影响。
关键词是charge a small additional fee for these dinners/gourmet food ingredients,即额外收取少量费用。
Did you see that article? 
Yeah, and it sounds like a great idea. It’s really good for the students in that program. 
Don’t they cook in class anyway? 
Well, yeah, they do. But my cousin was in the program a few years ago, and she said that it’s very different to cook for a lot people in that kind of atmosphere than to cook for classmates. 
Why is that? 
Well, in class, you can take your time, but cooking for more people there is more pressure. I mean you are in a rush, people are waiting, and it might be easy to make a mistake with all that stress. 
Then they’ll think you are a bad chef, right? 
So, OK, it’s good practice. But what about the extra cost? 
Well, look at it this way. You’ve eaten at some of the fancier restaurant in town, right? 
 Yeah, there are some great places to eat around here. 
Well, these students, they’ll be making fantastic meals and it’s gonna be cheaper than going out to one of those restaurants. 
Much cheaper actually. 
So, you know, it would be worthy. The meal will be as good as the ones in those expensive restaurants.
在听听力材料之前,我们应该知道第 3 题的听力部分往往 是与校园有关的对话内容,一男一女针对阅读材料中的观点进 行讨论。值得注意的是:其一,对话双方的观点与阅读文本既 有可能一致,也有可能不一致,大家千万不要带着预期去听; 其二,对话双方中一人负责表达,一人负责铺垫,换句话说, 会有一方持鲜明观点(既可能是男方,也可能是女方)。 


 Did you see that article?女方负责引 出 观 点, 而 男方负责给 出观点。第一轮对话带给我们的思考: 其一,听力材料和阅读材料 的观点一致;其二,对话过 程中男方给出观点,女方给 出过渡和铺垫,心中知道应 该着重听男方的表达部分。
 Yeah, and it sounds like a great idea. It’s really good for the students in that program.

 Don’t they cook in class anyway?举例部分。听 到“my cousin” 就 应 该 知道是在举例了,做笔记 时要记录下来。 具 体 的 例 子 内 容 能 够 听 到“a lot of people”和“classmates”的 不同就可以了。
 Well, yeah, they do. But my cousin was in the program a few years ago, and she said that it’s very different to cook for a lot people in that kind of atmosphere than to cook for classmates.

 Why is that?原因部分。事 实 上 能 够 记 住“‘more people’等于‘more pressure’, 从 而 等 于‘easy to make a mistake’”就可以了。如果 你在前面没有听清楚“a lot of people” 这 个 要素 的 话, 那么这又是一个机会,能够 帮你补充笔记内容。
 Well, in class, you can take your time, but cooking for more people there is more pressure. I mean you are in a rush, people are waiting, and it might be easy to make a mistake with all that stress.
 Then they’ll think you are a bad chef, right? 描述了结果, 就是:可能是 一个差厨师。

 So, OK, it’s good practice. But what about the extra cost?描述方案的 一个缺点。但是我们已经知道男方的主 观点 , 即正面支持,所以描 述缺点的部分一定是采用让 步表达。它既可以表现为缺 点相对来说比较小,也可以 表现为缺点是如何被其他优 点克服的。随后的听力材料 播放过程验证了我们的预期 和猜测。(笔记中要记录关键 词 fancier)
 Well, look at it this way. You’ve eaten at some of the fancier restaurant in town, right?
 Yeah, there are some great places to eat around here.描述让步的 具体内容。
 男方终于给出了让步内容 的 具 体 解 决 方 案, 也 就 是 缺点为何相比较来说比较 小,给出的理由是“cheaper than going out to one of those restaurants”。 记 下 关 键 词 cheaper。
 Well, these students, they’ll be making fantastic meals and it’s gonna be cheaper than going out to one of those restaurants.
W Much cheaper actually.复述让步后 的结论。记下关键词 worthy 即可。据 此我们也清楚地了解这位男 士的观点以及他是如何对让 步内容进行阐述的,与我们 的预期完全一致。
 So, you know, it would be worthy. The meal will be as good as the ones in those expensive restaurants.
考试时事实上没有办法用不同颜色的笔来标注阅读材料和 听力材料的内容,这里这样做只是为了让大家看得更清楚,在 相对更短的时间内即便不用不同颜色也是能够区分清楚的。后 文中的范例笔记也是这样的,我就不再多说了。 
首先,听力材料中的主观点是“正”还是“负”,我用简 单的“+”表示正面支持。随后的过程都是根据阅读所记录的 逻辑链条来进行标注的,包括我将男生所举的例子(cousin) 写在了“culinary”的旁边——这也就意味着他所举的例子 是“culinary” 的 子 集, 即“cousin” 是 一 名“culinary arts student”。这样我们在听听力材料的过程中,就可以规避大量关 于“cousin”的细节。我们需要注意的只是 cousin 与 culinary 相 关的部分。这样的记录方法保留了主要信息,减轻了记录次要 信息的压力。当我们听到听力材料中描述 more people 和他们所 带来的 pressure 之后,我们应该思考两者属于这个项目推出的 原因还是结果。显然是原因。于是,我将它们放在了“valuable experience”的上面,知道这是为了证明“valuable experience” 的具体阐述即可。当我们听到对话中男士开始描述食堂食物价 格提高问题是如何解决的时,你也就会知道这些内容应该记录 到逻辑链条的结果部分。食物价格与其他质量相当的餐厅相 比更加“cheaper”,总体来说更加“worthy”,这几点都是针对 “additional fee”的解决方案。其次,大家注意一下,我们笔记 中的“△”表示的是对比、比较,在《文勇的新托福听力手稿》 中对于笔记符号有更详细的介绍,大家可以参考。 
在做笔记过程中,我们清楚地看到听力部分的笔记是完全 附着在阅读笔记之上,利用阅读笔记来筛选哪些信息值得记而 哪些不值得记,并且也省略了记录阅读材料与听力材料相同的 部分,不至于使我们的听记失衡。
The man expresses his opinion about the university’s plan. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for  holding that opinion.
The university recently announced a plan to start a Campus Dining Club that will serve food made by students studying cooking in the cafeteria for the last week of each semester. The man believes that the Dining Club is a great idea. He claims that the Dining Club will be highly beneficial to cooking students, taking his cousin for example. Although they cook in their cooking classes, cooking a lot of food for many people means more pressure and mistakes, and will better represent what they will need to do in their jobs later. Also, the man says that the extra fee will still not be as expensive as local nice restaurants. The students can pay less for the meals with the same quality. 
第一句“The university recently announced a plan to start a Campus Dining Club that will serve food made by students studying cooking in the cafeteria for the last week of each semester.”简单地 复述了阅读材料的观点,答案事实上也规避了阅读材料中的难 词“culinary”,使用了阅读材料中对“culinary”的解释。 
第二句“The man believes that the Dining Club is a great idea.” 则直接给出了对话中的主观点,也就是男士认为 Dining Club 是 个好主意。 
第三句“He claims that the Dining Club will be highly beneficial to cooking students, taking his cousin for example. ”开始正式 的论述部分。我们知道只需要描述听力部分是如何加强阅 读部分中的因和果即可。第三句描述了男士的“cousin”的 例子。 
第四句“Although they cook in their cooking classes, cooking a lot of food for many people means more pressure and mistakes, and will better represent what they will need to do in their jobs later.”描 述了听力部分阐述阅读部分中“valuable”的两个基本要点。一 个是“more people”,另一个是其所导致的“pressure”(对以后 的工作有价值)。 
第 五、 六 句“Also, the man says that the extra fee will still not be as expensive as local nice restaurants. The students can pay less for the meals with the same quality.”是对第四句让步表达的 补充,既提到了听力材料中缺点部分“extra cost”的内容,也 提到了关键的解决方案,即“not be as expensive as local nice restaurants”,相当于我们在笔记中记录的三个关键词: fancier、 cheaper、 worthy。 

