The last book you read-sample 2

The last book you read-sample 2



Describe the last book you read.

You should say:

—What type/kind of book it was;

—What it was about;

—Where you read it. 

And explain how you felt about the book.

Sample Response 2:

The last novel I read is After Dark by Haruki Murakami, a very famous Japanese writer. The story is broken down in small chapters of varying length. An added element of interest—and perhaps a post-modern reference—is the fact that the book has a 'real-time' timeline, beginning at the early hours of the night.

In the book, every young adult possesses different characters, occupations but they know each other for various reasons. And their lives are interrelated for some reason. At first glance, they are just like ordinary young adults. But as the stories develop, their secrets start to reveal. You know, they all have some dirty secrets that they want to hide from the world. 

It’s such a page-turner because it’s like watching a movie when I read it. The book is filled with short conversations and monologs about feelings and emotions, very much like typical Japanese style. The most interesting character is Ailee, a beautiful actress. It may sound a little strange but she’s been sleeping in a bed in a spacious room, watched by a mysterious man.

What I like about this book is that it doesn’t force the reader to contemplate about life, but the reader finds it easy to relate to the plot and start thinking deeply about life. I read about the reviews before I  decided to purchase the book. You know, a translated version can be very expensive. And the majority of them recommend it as a good bedtime story because it puts them at peace. I have been reading lately, and it truly helps me to calm down. 

I really couldn’t tell you more about the book because it will ruin it for you. If you want to find out more about it, I’d definitely suggest you read it. 

  • Sherlock_h9


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