


最近时隔14年终于回归的超人总动员2,Incredibles 2不知道你们看了没有~


[ 英文文本参考 ] 

Brad Bird: The strength of the film hasn’t been the superhero part, it’s been the family part and how the movie puts a different slant on the superhero genre. I think one of the strengths of the original concept is that at any given point in your life you can connect to several different characters in the movie.

For those of us who are parents, we know what it’s like to have a little baby who is developing their own powers, and how they are always slightly out of control…Men know what it’s like for people to expect you to be powerful and women know what it’s like to be pulled in 1,000 directions at once. So in any moment, anyone can connect with one of more members of this family.

Winston Deavor: It’s time to make some wrong things right. Help me bring supers back into the sunlight.We need to change people’s perceptions about superheroes, and Elastigirl is our best play.

Bob Parr: Better than me?

Bob Parr: Because I'm formulating, okay! I'm taking in information! I'm processing! I'm doing the math, I'm fixing the boyfriend, and keeping the baby from turning into a flaming monster! How do I do it? By rolling with the punches,baby!...Because I'm Mr. Incredible! Not "Mr. So-So" or "Mr. Mediocre Guy"! Mr. Incredible!

I know it’s crazy, right? To help my family, I got to leave it, to fix the law, I got to break it.
You’ve got to, so our kids can have that choice.


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