


Global View ‐ Thanksgiving Dinner (C0324)
A: So what are you doing for Thanksgiving?
B: Not much really. It’s more of an American tradition, so back home we don’t really celebrate it. In fact, I am not even sure of what exactly is being celebrated!
A: Well you know, it’s a time to get together with all your family and be thankful for everything!
B: Yeah but, how did this holiday come to be?
A: Well, the first settlers of Massachusetts arrived there because of religious persecution from England and King James. Once inthe New World, they befriended an native named Squanto, who taught them how to harvest food from the area such as corn.
B: Interesting! I am amazed how big and delicious thanksgiving dinners are!
A: Come to my house for Thanksgiving! We are having turkey, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes with gravy, and lots of stuffing!
B: Count me in!

  • 鼹鼠的地下宫殿

    听发音补充漏掉的部分:They had another harvest for the next winter.And they celebration, and they set a feast for the natives giving their thanks for the land and everyone for their food ,health and new lives. 不对之处请指正

    27号院士 回复 @鼹鼠的地下宫殿: They had another harvest for the next winter. In celebration, they decided to have a big feast to the natives giving their thanks for the land and everyone for their food ,health and new lives.

  • quicker快客


  • 听友126180915

    B: And then what happened? A: Well, they had enough harvest for the next winter. And in celebration, they decided to have a big feast with the natives, giving their thanks to the land and everyone for their food ,health, and new lives.

  • 神秘的X先生

    文稿漏掉的部分:They had another harvest for the next winter.And they celebration, and they set a feast for the natives giving their thanks for the land and everyone for their food ,health and new lives. 不对请在评论区指正

  • 达也那些慵懒美好的日


  • 1373331oyal

    Count me in! 加我一个

  • 红拂夜奔_nz


  • 神秘的X先生


  • 不再羡仙


  • Power有利

    2020 is going away finally.