



  • 听友126180915

    Michel: That is cool; how is it going? James: Well, I am finding the classes pretty tough, actually. But I am having a great time in SH. It really is an amazing city. Michelle: sure it is, are you staying for long? James: Only two weeks, unfortunately. I wish I can stay longer, but… Michelle: Well, listen, if you need someone to show you the sights, then just call me. I’m having a little get together in my new apartment next week, so if want to drop by then. James: That sounds great. I’d love to. Let me take down your number, Michelle.

    达也那些慵懒美好的日 回复 @听友126180915: Well listen, if you need someone to show you the sights then just call me. I' m having a little get-together at my new apartment next week so if you want to drop by then.

  • 听友126180915

    The Office-Small Talk-Showing Interest(C0307) Michelle’s friend: Hey, Michelle, this is my friend James; he is visiting SH from NY. Michelle: Oh, hi, James, nice to meet you, so ah are you visiting for business or pleasure? James: Well, actually, a little of both. I’m meeting some business contacts but also taking some Mandarin classes, too. x

  • TrudyWang

    Where's the sensitive word? Weird.

  • Isha_Grace

    I am going to have a little get together in my new apartment next week so if want to drop by then. That sounds great ,I'd love to,let me take down your number Meshel.

  • Isha_Grace

    Only twe weeks unfortunately. I wish I can stay longer but, well ,listen, if you need someone to show you the sights then just call me .

  • Isha_Grace

    It is really an city. sure it is ,are you staying for long?

  • Isha_Grace

    I find the classes pretty actually.But I have a great time in SH.

    Isha_Grace 回复 @Isha_Grace: I find the classes pretty tough actually.But I have a great time in SH.

  • Isha_Grace

    Hey ,Meshel,this is my friend James he is visiting SH from NY.Oh,hi,James,nice to meet you,so ah are you visting for business or pleasure ? Well ,actually, a little both. I means the business context with more mondatory classes too. That is cool,how is it going?

  • 英语天天见ABC

    Are you visiting for business or pleasure?/how is it going?=how is *** going?/ to show someone the sites/a little get together=a small group of people .../you should drop by=for a short period of time or whenever / Let me take down your number

  • Isha_Grace
