绝望主妇 | 精讲第24期:“不要催我生孩子”

绝望主妇 | 精讲第24期:“不要催我生孩子”



Mama Solis: "I don't see why you have her." 
Gabrielle: "It's a big house. I need help." 
Mama Solis: "It's only called help when you do some of the work yourself." 
Gabrielle: "I supervise."
Mama Solis: "You pay her $300 a week. That's $15,000 a year. Carlos, you always say how you're not putting away enough for retirement!"
Carlos: "You know, baby, it would be a good idea if we cut back on expenses."
Gabrielle: "You expect me to take care of this place all by myself?" 
Carlos: "Other women manage..."


Mama Solis:So you shop a lot, huh? 
Gabrielle: Yeah.So?
Mama Solis:Most women that shop a lot, it's because they don't have anything better to do.
Gabrielle: What's your point?
Mama Solis:Well, if you had children-
Gabrielle:(walks off) Here we go.
Mama Solis: I'm just saying that children give your life purpose. You get so busy taking care of them that you don't have any time to wonder if you're happy.
Gabrielle:You know, Juanita, this is so like you. I take you on a nice shopping trip and you find ways to upset me.
Mama Solis:Oh, you didn't invite me. I invited myself. 
Gabrielle:And for the record, I am not one of those women who has a hole in her heart that can only be filled by a baby. I like my life. A lot. It's very fulfilling. 

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  • Daisy_浮生若梦


    Daerduo 回复 @Daisy_浮生若梦: 哈哈哈哈

  • vampire_2s

    i'm not one of these women who has a hole in her heart that can only be filled by a baby.我觉得这句话应该译为我不是那种只有靠生个孩子才能填补我内心空虚的女人

  • 1534257pxwy


  • d7fps0tqy42x8an8wiiw


  • 听友186105213

    佩服主播 这部剧确实非常值得细看 主播精读分析也非常好 背景分析也非常好 只是一点点小建议 声音稍稍尖了一点点

  • 草場由一

    supervise 监督 i dont see 我不明白 put away 储藏起来 cut back on expenses 削减家用 would be 做一个建议 比will语气更委婉 manage 一个人可以完成比较艰巨的任务 for the record 强调接下来说的话的重要性/郑重声明

  • 想作唐先生


  • 我爱狗狗啊

    put sth away 提前准备,cut back 减少,for the record 郑重声明,fulfilling满足

  • 佳卓Jessy

    1.put away enough money for retirement 为退休存钱 2.cut back on expenses 减少花销 3.life purpose 生活目标 4.for the record 郑重声明,强调后面的话 5.I am not one of those women who has a hole in her heart that can only be filled by a baby. I like my life. A lot. It's very fulfilling. 

  • 随心而动19

    cut back ,等于reduce