








Episode 10: The Bartender Shows Up

It was time to try  a different approach. I decided to find John Costello first and

talk to him. I wanted to  find out why his car hit Anne’s and almost killed her.  I

knew Costello lived in Santa Monica, so I drove up the freeway and got off near

Main Street. I went to the address Officer Cho gave me and knocked on the door.

No one answered.  I knocked on the  apartment manager’s door. An old  woman

answered. “Excuse me, I’m trying to find John Costello. He lives in number 503.”

“Mr. Costello lived--past tense--in 503. He moved out two months ago,” she said.

“Do you know where he lives now or where he works,” I asked.

“I don’t know  where he moved to,  but I think he  still works at the  bar on 4th


“Thanks for your help.” I got  back in my car and drove down to the bar. It was

only 10:00  a.m., and  already there  were cars  parked outside the  place. Some

people like to start drinking really early.

As I walked down the street toward the bar, I heard two gun shots. I immediately

reached for my gun, which I keep on my belt. The gun is registered, of course, but

I only carry it with me when I think there might be trouble. I ran toward the bar,

and I heard  another sound, like the  wheels of a  car turning very fast.  I slowly

opened the front door  of the bar and looked around. There  was a man standing

over a dead body.The floor was covered with blood.

“Don’t shoot!” the man yelled at me.

“It’s okay, I’m a private detective. What happened here?” I asked.

“Someone just ran in here and shot John! I think he’s dead,” the man answered.

“John? The dead man’s name is John?” I asked.

“Yeah, he is--was--the bartender. His name’s John Costello.”

“Someone call  the police,”  I  said. “Did anyone  recognize the  man  who shot

Costello? Did anyone see what he looked like?” There were four men in the bar.

Each man looked at the other. Everyone just shook their head.

“Uh, I didn’t really see him very well,” said one man.

“Yeah, it’s dark in here. I didn’t see his face,” said another.

I decided not to stay at the bar. I didn’t want the police to find out about Sarah’s

kidnapping, and how  Costello may have  been connected. I  drove back toward

downtown. I stopped to have lunch at my favorite sushi bar and thought about the

case. I was  now more confused than  before. This morning I  guessed that John

Costello might be the  kidnapper. Now Costello was dead. The girl at the beach

store might be  involved, but I had  no evidence of that.  I was stuck. At around

2:00 p.m. I went to the hospital and picked up Anne. She was feeling much better,

and was happy to see me.

“Have you heard anything from Bill about giving the money to the kidnappers?” I

asked her.

“No, Bill hasn’t called.”

“Well, let’s go  over there and  see what happened.”  We drove over to  Bill and

Sarah’s apartment,  and we  were  surprised to  see two  police cars  outside the


building. Bill was sitting on the steps of the building crying.

“What happened?!” Anne said to me as  we parked the car. “Why are the police


“I don’t  know, Anne,” I said.  “Let’s just try to  stay calm and  find out what is

going on.” As we  walked toward the apartment building, I  had a feeling in my

stomach that something was wrong--very wrong.

“Oh, Anne,  she’s dead!  She’s dead!”  Bill cried.  He jumped up  to  hug Anne.

“Sarah’s dead!”

“Bill, what happened?” I asked. “Did the kidnappers call?” I saw that Anne was

in shock. She couldn’t believe what Bill was telling her.

“No, I made a terrible mistake,” Bill said. “I got scared, so I called the police this

morning. I told them everything. I told them that Sarah had been kidnapped. Then

two hours later...she was dead! I found Sarah’s body in the street in  front of the

apartment building!”

Bill began  to cry  again, and Anne  looked like  she was going  to fall  down. I

grabbed her  arm and helped  her sit down  on the  steps. I  turned to the  police

officer standing next to us. “Where was the body found?” I asked.

“In the street, like Mr. Salas said,” he answered. “We got here about 30 minutes

ago. She was already dead. She had been cut in the throat by some type of knife

or piece of glass.”

It was over. I had tried my best, but Sarah was now dead. I thought about all the

things that had happened. I even blamed myself. Maybe I should have...? But you

can’t blame yourself. Sometimes, you just have bad luck. There was nothing more

I could do. I shook hands with Bill and gave Anne one last hug. I decided I would

call my friend Officer Cho and tell him what I knew. Maybe they could find the

person who killed Sarah. As I was about to leave, I noticed a list of names on the

mailboxes of Bill and Sarah’s apartment building. I don’t know why I decided to

look at the list.  Sometimes you just do the  right thing at the right time  and get

lucky. This was one of those  times. I recognized one of the names on the  list. I

couldn’t believe my eyes, so I looked more closely a second time. Yes, I was right.






