Key Sentences
Red alert! 红色警报!
This can't be a date! She's only 12. 这不可能是一个约会。她只有12岁。
Let's probe, but layer it with cool words the kids say. 我们试探试探,但是要用孩子们的时髦话掩饰一下。
He's not good enough for Riley. 他配不上Riley。
He's about to crack. 他快崩溃了。
What do you do for fun? 你平时都玩什么?
Cool! I rock bass! 酷!我玩贝斯。
That'll be off the hook. 那就没事儿啦!
Have fun!
You're not so bad yourself!
Come on! 别呀!得了吧!