lesson 28 跟外国客户交换名片时,该说什么才大方?

lesson 28 跟外国客户交换名片时,该说什么才大方?



1. Exchanging business cards should be part of the conversation. Generally, people don’t hand out cards until they have been introduced. 交换名片的时候,应该是在交谈中交换的。一般来说,在外国商务场合中,人们只有在相互介绍认识了,才会递给对方卡片。

但请注意,如果直接说Hey, let me give you a business card,嘿,我来给你一张名片吧。这样听起来是很不专业的。


I'd love to go out to coffee sometime and pick your brain.我想哪天跟你出来喝杯咖啡,跟你学习学习。

Here's my card. I'd love to hear from you soon. 这是我的名片,希望早日收到你的来电。

It was so great to meet you! Can I have your card? Here's mine in return.见到你太棒了,我可不可以要一张你的名片?这是我的。


2. Never leave the house or office without your business card. Take enough cards with you to meetings and events. It is unprofessional to say you don’t have any (more) with you. 永远都要在离开家或办公室之前,确定你身上有名片。在去会议和活动之前,确保带足够的名片在你身上。如果你说啊,我没有名片了,这是很不专业的行为。

3. Keep your cards in a case — they stay cleaner. And know where they are. People who can’t find their cards look disorganized. 请把你的名片放在名片盒里,这样才能保持清洁。你也要知道你把明信片放在哪里了。如果有人找不到自己的名片,这个人看起来很没有条理。

4. Give and receive cards with your right hand. In Asia people often like to give and receive cards using both hands. By showing respect to the cards, you show respect to each other. 一定记住,用你的右手来给名片和接名片。在亚洲,人们通常喜欢同时用两只手给名片接名片。当你尊重别人的名片时,你也在尊重对方。

5. Make sure that your card is the right way round and the right way up when you hand it to the person you are talking to. 当你把名片递给你正在交谈的人的时候,请确保名片没有左右或上下颠倒。也就是,应该把有你的名字的那一面正面地递给对方。

6. You can add a note to your own card, but it is best not to write on someone else’s, especially in Japan. People there may find this impolite. lf you need to write something on it to help you to remember the person, do so later. 你可以在你自己的名片上做笔记,但你最好不要在别人的名片上做笔记,特别是在日本的时候,人们会觉得这样的行为是很不礼貌的。如果你确实要写一些东西在别人的名片上,来记住对方,那你等别人走了再写。

7. Try to make a positive comment about some aspect of a person’s card, such as the company logo or the colour. 交换名片的时候,尽量夸奖别人的名片,说一些好话,比方说公司的Logo或者是配色。

8. Only give them one unless they ask for more. 只有在对方跟你要更多名片时,才给对方更多的名片,否则,你给一张就够了。

9. Don't let a good first impression go to waste. Call or email them to say it was nice to meet them, refer to a discussion you may have had. For example: "I tried that sushi place you recommended and it was fabulous." 不要把刚建立的好的第一印象给浪费了。给对方打电话或者写邮件说你很高兴遇到对方,提到你们之前讲过的话题,让对方记得你。比方说,我试了一下你上次推荐的寿司店了,太好吃了吧!

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