1. Gin & Tonic 金汤力
原声:What’s in the Gin & Tonic?
2. Jack $ Coke 杰克丹尼加可乐
Jack Daniel 杰克丹尼
原声:Gimme a Jack and Coke, please.
3. Old fashioned 古典鸡尾酒
原声:Now I’m gonna make an Old Fashioned the old fashioned way, the waydear old dad used to.
4. White/Black Russian 白/黑俄罗斯
原声:Do you want a drink? Yeah, sure. White Russian.
5. Bloody Mary 血腥玛丽
Salt, pepper, celery, olives, Tabasco sauce
原声:May be you should slow down on the Bloody Marys. I don’t think youneed anymore.
6. Rum & Coke 朗姆加可乐
Rum and Coke, or a Cuba Libre (/ˈkjuːbə ˈliːbreɪ/)
原声:Why didn’t you just tell me it was a Rum and Coke? Could I have what I ordered?
7. Sazerac萨泽拉克鸡尾酒
Sazerac contains whiskey, sugar, bittersand absinthe
原声:Two Sazeracs. Where is your sense of adventure, James? This is NewOrleans.
8. Tom Collins 汤姆科林斯
Gin, lemon juice, sugar, and carbonatedwater
原声:This is a delicious Tom Collins. What I did, I used real lemonjuice.
9. Mojito 莫吉托
rum, lime juice, sugar,and mint
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Bloody Mary =vodka+ Tabasco +Worcestershire +tomato juice +lemon juice +salt and pepper
Malibu pineapple
Mojito =white rum +mint leaves +lime juice +sugar syrup +soda
Tom Collins =gin+fine sugar +lemon juice +soda water
Black Russian =vodka+kahlua White Russian plus cream ice