The Story of Fish and Snail

The Story of Fish and Snail


《The story of Fish and Snail》

Every day...
Snail sits in one special spot,waiting
for Fish to come home with a story.
"Ahoy,Snail!Guess what?I found a new book!"
"A new book?
Does it have princesses,or kittens?
Will you tell me the story,Fish?"

"But I want to show you this time,Snail!"

"Fish,you know I don`t want to go into other
books,I like this book."

"Arrrgh,Snail,I promise we can come back here later.
The new book has a whole ocean,and a secret treasure,
and a pirate ship!"

"A pirate ship?Fish,I do not like to play big dogs,
or monsters,or pirates.I want to play kittens and 
sleep right here."

"But,Snail!Sleeping cats are boring."

"Boring?Well,Fish,if you think I am so blah,
and your new book is so wow,then maybe you would
rahter live there...with NO SNAIL."

"Well...maybe I would!And maybe I`ll go be a pirate by
myself and never come back!"

"Fine,Snail.Good-bye.THE END."

"that`s not how this book is supposed to end.

How can this be The Story of Fish &Snail,with no...

"Fish!Where are you?"

"Snail,you came!You are very brave."
"Brave enough to be a pirate?"
"Of course!Or maybe..."
"A kitty-pirate."

Together again,the friends set sail-
Jolly Pirate Fish,and First-Cat-Mate Snail.

