关注微信订阅号:ienglish521 回复:小王子,获取相应《小王子 | The Little Prince》原版电子书。
That night I didn't see ①【 **** 】. He got away without making a sound. When I ②【 **** 】to catch up with him, he was walking fast with determination.
"Ah, you are here. You were wrong to come. You'll suffer. I'll look as if I dead; and that'll not be true..."
I said nothing.
"You understand... It's too far. I can't take this body with me, it's too heavy."I said nothing. "But it will be like an old abandoned shell. There is nothing sad about an old shell..."
I said nothing.
"I'll be looking at the stars too, all the stars will be well with a rusty pully, all the stars will pour out water for me to drink..."
I said nothing. And he too said nothing, because he was weeping.
"Here the place, let me go on along. You know my flower? I am responsible for her. She has four ridiculous thorns to defend her against the world."
He hesitated a little longer, then he stopped up. He took a step, I couldn't move. There was nothing but a yellow flash close to his ankle. He didn't cry out. He fell gently as a tree falls. There was not even a sound, because of the sand.
听友119463373 回复 @力哥爱英语: 喜欢你的声音
小王子让毒蛇咬死他,这一段的确很虐心,小时候还没看太懂,但是我想说这一段给小孩子看到时候要慎重,作者文学作品中的死亡是为了悲壮的场景,但要现实点来说,小王子的做法天真但太幼稚,他结束了自己的生命,就是对玫瑰的不负责任 无论怎样,还是要对向这纯洁的童心致敬!
听友80602860 回复 @听友55312797: 他让毒蛇咬他,是因为他的躯壳太重了!作者没有找到他的‘’身体‘’,他回去了!和他的花在一起!你去看《小王子》这部电影吧,你的评论错了。
see him leave/When I managed to/Now, you are here/I were dead/that won't be/at these stars/wells/go on alone/he stood up/He fell gently the way a tree falls/There wasn't even a sound, because of this sand
听友119463373 回复 @Carrie_ym: 喜欢
斓色泠旧冷 回复 @柠柠冰沙: 我懂了,很忧伤