The Little Prince 11

The Little Prince 11


关注微信订阅号:ienglish521 回复:小王子,获取相应《小王子 | The Little Prince》原版电子书。

The seventh planet was the earth. The earth is not just an ordinary planet! It contains 111 kings, 7000 geographers, 900,000 businessmen, 7,500,000 drunkards, 311,000,000 egotists. In other words--about 2,000,000,000 grown-ups. So, once he reached the earth, the little prince was quite surprised not to see anyone. He was beginning to afraid he come to the wrong planet, when a moon colored loop, uncoiled on the sand. "Who are you?""A snake. ""What planet have I landed on?""On the planet--Earth in the Africa. ""Ah, and are there no people on earth?""It's the desert here, there are no people in the desert. Earth is very big. "The little prince sat down on a rock, and look up into the sky."Look at my planet, it's just over head. But, so faraway. ""It's lovely. What if you come to earth for?""I having difficulty with a flower.""Ah!""Where the people? That's a little lonely in the desert.""It's also lonely with people.""You are a funny creature, no thicker than a finger. ""But I am more powerful than a king's finger.""You are not very powerful. You don't even have a feet, you couldn't travel very far.""I can take you further than a ship."He coiled around the little prince's ankle. like a golden bracelet."Anyone I touch, I send back to land for whence he came. But you are innocent, and you come from a star. I feel sorry for you being so weak on this granitoid earth. I can help you, some day, if you grow too homesick for your planet. I can--""Oh, I understand just what's you mean."And they were both silent.

  • 西木m


    天天_f8 回复 @西木m: Same

  • 听友90027830

    语言简洁,节奏紧凑,人物形象通过简短的语言再经读者的演绎瞬间跃然纸上! 听起来毫不费劲。 赞赞赞!赞文本,赞朗读者,赞力哥! 好想把文本整理了打印出来!

  • 钟表匠biu

    我真的很喜欢很喜欢这个小王子声音,好萌的声音,小正太aaa 我要成声控了aaaaa

  • 人与天行


  • SusanQZhen


  • 清凉世界_01

    The earth is not just another planet/beginning to fear he had come/looked up/over your head/What have you come/I'm having/Where are the people/It's a little lonely/have feet/back to the land from which/granite earth/what you mean/

  • 拙人三丫


  • 木雒是条猫


  • 张庆晴


  • Candy佳梦

    All men have the stars, but they are not the same things for different people. For some, who are travelers, the stars are guides. For others they are no more than little lights in the sky. For others, who are scholars, they are problems.