


Elementary ‐Global View ‐ Volunteering (C0217)
Mark: Thanks a lot for pitching in once again Judy, we really appreciate your help. It seems that at this time of year there are more and more people who are struggling to make ends meet. There aren’t many professional chefs like you who are so generous with their time.
Judy: Don’t be silly Mark, I’m more than happy to donate my time to a good cause. Volunteering at the soup kitchen has been really rewarding for me. You know, it’s satisfying to provide good meals for those who are less fortunate, I feel like I’m really making a difference in some small way.
Mark: Well, your skills are definitely appreciated here! The people who come here have fallen on hard times and a delicious hot meal can really bolster their spirits. That smells great! The needy are sure lucky to have you!
Judy: Thanks Mark!
Judy: Here you go, enjoy your meal!
Old lady: Thank you my dear, Oh this looks lovely.
Judy: You’re welcome, Hello sir, today we have. . . . are you doing here?
George: Hey Judy! I’ll have a little of everything, thanks. . . . smells great!
Judy: George, seriously . . . what are you doing here? I haven’t seen you since our divorce was finalized. You’ve got no right to be here, you’re hardly homeless!
George: Don’t be like that Judy, I really miss your home cooking!

  • ZUNQ

    soup kitchen 慈善施食处,needy 贫穷的,pitch in to help, generous, less fortunate, nicer way to say poor, very fortunate, very lucky, bolster the spirits, improve 鼓舞人心,make ends meet,spend more than you earn, cannot support himself financially, making a difference, fall on hard time, lose job,

  • 流浪非洲

    Soup kitchen 施食处 Pitch in 参与,协力 Bolster the spirit 振奋精神

    箫昷 回复 @流浪非洲: 英吉拉挺好吃的

  • 涛涛温暖


    涛涛温暖 回复 @涛涛温暖: Colloquial 意思是:口语化

  • vampire_2s

    very fortunate means very lucky.less fortunate means poor.English pod优点就是主播讲解详细,而且知识点多,还时不时来个梗

  • vampire_2s

    i haven't seen you since our divorce was finalized这句话前半句感觉很难听清楚

  • 挪威森林777


  • _prt_

    a little of everything 一样要一点点

  • 茱莉1900

    to make ends meet = satisfy one's basic financial needs

  • 1521126kmpw


  • 十七yk
