绝望主妇 | 精讲第16期:美剧里的电话用语

绝望主妇 | 精讲第16期:美剧里的电话用语




Bree: It's nine thirty at night. What is your brother thinking? 
Danielle: You want my advice? Call dad, go tell him to kick Andrew's ass. 
Bree: I am perfectly capable of handling this without your father. 
Danielle: Sorry.

Bree: Where's your cell phone? 
(Danielle digs it out of her pocket.) 
Bree: Call Andrew and find out where he is. 
Danielle: Mom, he's going to know who's behind this. 
Bree: No, he won't. Just act normal.

Danielle (on the phone): Hey, it's me. What's going on? 
(She listens for a bit, then hands the phone to her mother) 
Danielle: He knows. 
(Bree throws down her sponge and takes Danielle's phone.) 
Bree (on the phone): Andrew, this is your mother. I am rapidly reaching the end of my patience with you. where are you? Are you at a bar? Andrew? Andrew?

Danielle: Mom? 
Bree: (can't believe it) He hung up on me. 

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  • 我爱狗狗啊

    Kick sb ass 教训,be capable of doing 有能力做某事,handle 处理,reach到达,rapidly 很快地,hung up on me 挂我电话。电话用语:May I speak to sb?我可以和谁讲话吗?come again再说一遍?sorry,I ‘ve got the wrong nummber我打错电话了,This is she是我,who’s that speaking,who’s that calling你是谁? hung on please 稍等,come again再说一次了

    楼上的图书馆 回复 @我爱狗狗啊: hang up on me

  • 薄荷C5


  • 小安燠


  • 18540988wxk

    电话用语2-2: 别人打来,我接,打错了:Sorry,but there is nobody here by this name,I’m afraid you got the wrong number.

  • 18540988wxk

    电话用语2: (接电话,找的就是你)Is Alice here?-This is she./You are speaking to her./Speaking. (问他是谁)Who is that speaking?/Who is that calling?/Is that Tom speaking? (接电话要找别人)(不知道是否在)Let me see if he is here,hang on /hold on /one moment please. (知道在)Hold the line please,I will get him to phone.

  • 18540988wxk

    电话常用语: (我打给别人)Hello,this is Alice speaking ,may I speak to Tom?/Is Tom in? (人不在,希望回电话)Will you please tell him call me back later?/Tell him I called. (打错电话)Sorry,I have got the wrong number. (没人接)Did it go through?-No one is there./Nobody answered. (占线)The line was busy./I got busy signals.

  • 18540988wxk

    kick sb‘s ass 教训某人 capable of sth. /be able to do sth. handle /deal with处理好 behind 主使;对…负主要责任;在…后面 this is sb. (在电话中说)我是 rapidly 很快地 reach (情绪、状态)到达 hang up on sb. 挂断某人电话

  • 爱学习爱旅游


  • 18540988wxk

    电话用语2-1: (人就在旁边)Hi,it’s for you. (人不在)Sorry,he is not in./I’m afraid he is out/He is in a meeting right now./You just miss him. (对方想留言,但你英文不好)Sorry,my English is not that great,I don’t want miss anything,would you mind calling back later? (听不清,再说一遍)Pardon/Can you repeat that?/come again

  • 1864202ihrr
