5.29 热门:维珍老板将首次游太空

5.29 热门:维珍老板将首次游太空


Shoppers cheat at checkout

Sales of carrots have been soaring across the UK as self-checkout thieves pretend to buy the cheap vegetable while packing more expensive items such as avocados, a criminologist has claimed. 


Carrots are often the cheapest vegetable by weight, meaning many Brits using self-checkout machines can save themselves money by lying about which item they are weighing when buying loose products. 


Brits seemingly bought 800 million more carrots last year compared to 2013. "Unfortunately this wasn't a sudden switch to healthy eating, it was an early sign of a new type of shoplifter," Senior criminology lecturer Emmeline Taylor of the University of London said. 


Britain has 50,000 self-service tills and more than £3 billion worth of goods are estimated to be stolen through them every year. 


Moscow's best selfie spots


World Cup visitors arriving at Moscow railway stations will not have to look far for the perfect spot to take a selfie, as platforms and ticket halls will soon have special labels marking out the ideal camera angle. 


Green stickers of a camera image adorned with a smiley and the words "photography allowed" will be rolled out across nine mainline railway stations, in time for this summer's football World Cup in the Russian capital. 


There will be an average of 20 stickers per station, and at 9 cm in diameter they will be easily visible, according to the Moscow mayor's office. They will mark out prime spots in waiting rooms, business centers, on platforms and in front of the main entrances. 


The Moscow department of Russian Railways says the aim is to "encourage amateur photography, and allow tourists and passengers to take that first beautiful picture right after stepping off the train".


No fault found in car 


A judicial appraisal from a third-party vehicle inspection agency found no fault with the cruise control or breaking systems of a Mercedes Benz C200L that allegedly sped out of control along a highway two months ago. 


On the night of March 14, the car sped for an hour along the highway between Henan and Shaanxi provinces at 120 km an hour. The driver claims that the cruise control system couldn't be switched off and that the brakes were unresponsive.


The driver, surnamed Xue, said that he slowed the car by opening and closing the driver's side door repeatedly. After the incident, Xue drove the car for another 800 km to his destination, Chengdu, where it was towed away for testing. Xue's story spread widely online, however many people questioned his explanation of the events that night.


Branson prepares for space


Richard Branson will be one of the first to ride on his company's SpaceShipTwo vehicle. Branson says he will take first trip into space soon. "We're talking about months away, not years away – so it's close. There are exciting times ahead," he said in a program. 


He said the astronaut training was going well so far, and he has increased his fitness by playing tennis four times a day. The 67-year-old multi-millionaire has been investing in commercial space travel since 2004, when he founded space tourism company Virgin Galactic. 


Branson, SpaceX founder Elon Musk and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos are now in a race to get fare-paying passengers into space. "Ultimately, we have to do it safely. It's more a race with ourselves to make sure we have the craft that are safe to put people up there," Richard said.


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