

Elementary ‐ Daily Life ‐ Getting Flowers (C0159)
A: Hello sir, how may I help you?
B: I would like to buy some flowers, please. Something really nice.
A: I see, may I ask what the occasion is?
B: It’s not really an occasion, it’s more like I’m sorry.
A: Very well. This arrangement here is very popular among regretful husbands and boyfriends. It has a dozen long stem red roses with a couple of sunflowers and a single orchid that stands out. It includes a small teddy bear to achieve the effect of immediate forgiveness.
B: I think I’m gonna need more than just a dozen red roses and a bear. What else do you recommend?
A: Mmm, well this is our ” I’m sorry I cheated on you” package. Two dozen red roses lined with tulips, carnations and lilies. The fragrance and beauty of this flower arrangement is sure to make her forgive you.
B: I don’t think that’s gonna cut it. I need something bigger and better!
A: I’m sorry sir but, what exactly did you do?
B: Well, I may have accidentally insinuated that she is getting chubbier .
A: Get out of my store you jerk!
  • snow723


  • Kori_85h

    sunflower 向日葵 orchid 兰花 tulip 郁金香 carnation 康乃馨 lily 百合 insinuate 含沙射影,暗示

  • 阿胖宋


    1383399oqml 回复 @阿胖宋: 店家是个性情中人啊,脾气也不好

  • EllaLiu_RG

    1. sunflower 向日葵 2. orchid 兰花 3. tulip 郁金香 4. carnation 康乃馨 5. lily 百合 6. water lily 睡莲 1. cheat on sb 不忠于 2. I don’t think that’s gonna cut it. 我认为不够好。 3. to insinuate 暗示 4. chubbier 丰满的

    听友66628071 回复 @EllaLiu_RG: 谢谢!

  • X_Kristin

    1.insinuate暗指,暗示 2.chubby丰满的,胖嘟嘟的 3.jerk傻瓜(尤指男子)

  • 巧克力味的香菜


  • maingirder

    flower arrangement 插花

  • 1383399oqml


  • 红拂夜奔_nz


  • 大龙王_y0
