


Elementary ‐ Daily Life ‐ Doing Laundry (C0133)
A: Ok, let’s go through this one more time. I don’t want anymore ruined or dyed blouses!
B: I know, I know. OK, so I have to separate the colors from the whites and put them in this strange looking contraption so called washing machine.
A: Right. You have to turn it on and program it depending on what type of clothes you are washing. For example for delicates, you should set a shorter washing cycle. Also, be sure to use fabric softener and this detergent when washing.
B: So complicated! Ok, what about this red wine stain? How do I get it out?
A: Since this is a white t-shirt, you can just pour a little bit of bleach on it and it will do the trick.
B: Cool. Then I can just throw everything in the dryer for an hour and its all set right?
A: No! Since you are washing delicates and cotton, you should set the dryer to medium heat and for twenty minutes.
B: You know what? I’ll just have everything dry cleaned.

  • Kori_85h

    contraption 奇异装置,玩意儿 bleach 漂白剂 detergent 洗涤剂 stain 污渍 do the trick 奏效

  • 阿胖宋

    delicates 内衣物 fabric softener 柔顺剂 detergent 洗衣液

  • 巧克力味的香菜


  • EllaLiu_RG

    1. washing machine洗衣机 2. stain 污渍 3. laundry 洗涤 4. to dye 染色 5. delicate易碎的 6. detergent 洗衣粉 7. fabric softener衣物柔顺剂 bleach 漂白剂 8. contraption奇妙的装置 9. go through 完成某个任务/过程 10. so called所谓的 11. sarcastic 讽刺/挖苦的 12. do the trick 奏效 13. all set 一切就绪

  • BeckiLiuuu

    stain dye:change color of clothes Delicate:easy to break delicates: underwear Fabric softer:nylon cotton Contraption Bleach Medium Detergent Go through:rehears ,think about the process So called: not really do the trick:solve problem

  • vampire_2s

    so called所谓的,带有sarca stic讽刺意味的说法

  • 27号院士


  • 1389195ikrj

    最后一句是不是” I just had everything dry cleaned”?

  • tlu2016


  • 不死鸟_89


    神秘的X先生 回复 @不死鸟_89: 别打卡了