Peanut And Popcorn(花生和爆米花)

Peanut And Popcorn(花生和爆米花)


Peanuts and Popcorn

John is going to a baseball game with his aunt. (约翰要跟姑姑去看棒球赛。)He can’t wait to get there. (他特别期待。)It is the first game of the season. (那是那个赛季的第一场球赛。)The stadium is almost full.(体育馆几乎都满了。)

He loves to watch baseball, but his favourite part of going to games is eating the snacks. (他喜欢看棒球,但是去看球赛他最喜欢的部分就是吃好吃的。)There are many different snacks at baseball games.(棒球赛有很多不同的小吃。)

A man in a red hat walks up and down the aisles selling peanuts and popcorn.(一个戴红色帽子的人在过道走来走去售卖花生和爆米花。)

John likes them both.(约翰都喜欢。) He really likes mixing peanuts and popcorn together. (他真的喜欢把花生和爆米花放一块吃。) If he is really hungry, he will have a hot dog. (如果他真的饿了,他会吃一个热狗。)

I. Word List (词汇列表)

stadium:a very large building where many people watch sports together (体育馆)

aisles:the spaces between rows of seats in stadiums (过道)

mixing:putting different things together (混合)

  • 1377574igqd

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