


Elementary ‐ Daily Life ‐ At The Airport (C0089)
A: Next please! Hello sir, may I see your passport please?
B: Yes, here you go.
A: Will you be checking any bags.
B: Yes, I’d like to check three pieces.
A: I’m sorry, sir. Airline policy allows only two pieces of checked luggage, at twenty kilograms each, plus one piece of carry-on luggage. I will have to charge you extra for the additional suitcase.
B: What? Why! I am taking an intercontinental flight! I’m flying sixteen thousand kms! How am I supposed to only take two, twenty kilo bags? That’s absurd!
A: I am sorry, sir, there’s nothing I can do. You cannot board the flight with that large bag either. Carry-on bags must fit in the over-head compartment or under your seat.
That bag is clearly too big.
B: Now I see. You charge next to nothing for an international ticket, but when it comes to charging for any other small thing, you charge an arm and a leg! So tell me, miss, how much will I have to pay for all of this.
A: Let’s see... six hundred and twenty-five US dollars.
B: That’s more than my round-trip ticket!

  • 鹅梨酱

    1.Luggage none count, 3 pieces of luggage 2.Check luggage: give your bag to airline 托运行李 3.Carry on luggage: carry it on your self onto the plane 4.intercontinental: inter: been continental 5.Board the plane train bus: to get on veical 6.Over head: above your head 7.How am I suppose to : how can I do 我怎么可能去做这种事??? 8.there is nothing I can do: when some push you ,you could say it 9.Next to nothing : very cheap 10.Charge a arm & a leg: very expensive 11.absurd: 荒谬!

  • vampire_2s

    又见charge an arm and a leg

  • 巧克力味的香菜


  • Jerry_Wang666


  • 3q_9q

    Let’s go to Thailand,tickets cost next to nothing right now

  • hanker624

    1. checked luggage 托运行李 carry-on luggage 随身携带行李 2. I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do. 很抱歉,我也无能为力 3. How am I supposed to do sth 我怎么可能去做某事 4. That’s absurd! 太荒缪了! 5. over-head compartment 机舱行李架 6. You charge next to nothing for an international ticket. 你们几乎不收取机票费用 7. round-trip ticket 往返机票

    1863089dgmf 回复 @hanker624: good

  • 阿胖宋

    only allow吧

  • 听友57664313


  • 听友25392848

  • 天富汇达

    English Pod is the best one!