

Elementary‐The Weekend‐ Funky Galaxy Battles (C0079)<br> A: They are breaking through! Set your blasters to full power!<br> B: Excellent job. Search the ship, she’s gotta be in here somewhere... bring her to me!<br> C: Lord Hater, we have a survivor here...<br> B: Where is she? Don’t make me destroy you, tell me where she is!<br> D: Not so fast! She will no longer be your prisoner! It’s time you and I settled this once and for all!<br> B: You are unwise to think you can defeat me. You know nothing of the power of the obscure side!<br> D: We will stop you...<br> C: Lord Hater! We have an unidentified spacecraft taking off from the rear dock! They somehow managed to escape our tractor beam!<br> B: After them!<br> C: They are accelerating towards the speed of light We lost them, sir...
  • 敏于行_iu

    1、unidentified space craft, UFO-unidentified flying object 2、break through: inter by force somewhere, 3、settle argument /dispute/ problem: sometimes you are forced to agree. 4、tractor beam: invicible force that grabe the object that doesn't escape 牵引光束 5、accelerate: increase speed to go faster

  • 丹妞supper

    rear尾部 后方 后面。dock码头 船坞 进港somehow不知怎的 以抹种方式 ma na ged 管理 提供escape 逃跑 逃脱 逃避 t r actor牵引车 拖拉机beam 发光发射after them 追赶accelerating towards 击中accelerating accelerate促进的加速的towrad有利的 向 朝

  • 侧耳倾听0818

    unidentified spacecraft break through settle an argument/fight/problem accelerate:increase speed to go faster she'll no longer be your prinsoner you know nothing of once and for all:forever

  • 1312366edsu


  • maingirder


  • 听友61733861


  • 钱萨拉

    例子里面有两句很喜欢: He breaks through the entire defense. They are breaking through our impenetrable wall.

  • 起个名字最废脑子了


  • 雕刻时光的娃哈哈

    What does funky mean here?

    听友200046963 回复 @雕刻时光的娃哈哈: 心惊胆战的

  • 天富汇达

    Best English Pod!