dry humor = deadpan humor
With dry humor or deadpan humor, the emphasis is not on funny facial expressions or exaggerated body moves. Rather, it's the joke itself that's really humorous.
dry humor 冷幽默
dry joke 冷笑话
deadpan adj. 面无表情的;不动声色的
facial expression 面部表情
exaggerated body move 夸张的肢体动作
Standup comedians always have a dry sense of humor. They keep a straight face while telling jokes that make everyone else laugh their pants off!
standup comedian 单口相声演员
have a dry sense of humor 有冷幽默感
keep a straight face 板着脸;不露笑容
laugh one's pants off 笑掉大牙
The most commonoff-color jokesare about sex, but they can also touch on violence, ethnic groups or other impolite topics.
Off-color jokes can be really offensive to those who aren't that close to you or don't share your sense of humor.
off-color joke 荤段子
touch on 涉及
violence n. 暴力
ethnic group 民族
offensive adj. 冒犯的;无礼的
Take my advice. I don't use it anyway.
What did one light pole say to the other one??
– Let’s go out together!
etc=end of thinking capacity
Pros and cons of making food
Pros: food
Cons: making
Why is 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7,8,9
All my plans for the future start with 'When I get rich'.
Take my advice,I don't use it anyway. 采取我的建议吧,反正我也不用。好笑