4.19 热门:星巴克关全美8000店面 进行反歧视培训平众怒

4.19 热门:星巴克关全美8000店面 进行反歧视培训平众怒


Island closes to tourists

The resort island of Boracay in Philippines will be closed to tourists for six months from April 26 to fix sewage and environment-related problems. More than 36,000 hotel and resort workers stand to lose their jobs, and the closure will cost the island's tourism sector some 56 billion pesos if it lasts for a year. 


The Department of Tourism has ceased marketing Boracay and is instead promoting alternative destinations in Western Visayas. Boracay's degradation has been blamed on the failure of the local government to enforce ordinances on marine conservation, garbage and sanitation, and zoning and construction. Boracay, famous for its powdery white sand and shallow azure water, was named the best island resort by magazine publisher Conde Nast in 2016.


Barbara Bush dies at 92


US former first lady Barbara Bush died Tuesday at the age of 92, according to a release from the office of her husband former president George H W Bush. Having been hospitalized numerous times while battling congestive heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, she decided Sunday to seek "comfort care" instead of additional medical help. 


Mrs Bush is one of only two first ladies in the history of the country who is also the mother of a president. She is the wife of the 41st US president George H W Bush and mother of the 43rd US president George W Bush. Her funeral will be held at St Martin’s Church in Houston.


Starbucks to close stores


Starbucks will close more than 8,000 stores and corporate offices in the US on May 29 to hold anti–racial bias training as the company struggles to cope with the fallout of two black men being arrested at a store in Philadelphia. 


Witnesses said the two men hadn't ordered anything while they were waiting for a friend, and the manager asked them to leave and called the police. Fierce backlash against the coffee chain followed after a video of the two men being arrested on April 12 went viral. 


Nearly 175,000 employees will take part in the anti–racial bias trainings when the stores close, according to a statement from Starbucks. The curriculum, developed with several partners, including the NAACP and a former US attorney general, will also become part of the training for new hires, the company said. 


"We will learn from our mistakes and reaffirm our commitment to creating a safe and welcoming environment for every customer," Starbucks founder Howard Schulz said.


Turning water into lemonade


Researchers out of the National University of Singapore and Georgia Institute of Technology presented a method for creating "virtual lemonade." With an RGB color sensor and pH sensor, the virtual lemonade receiver who is actually drinking a cup full of plain H2O can experience simulated lemonade flavor. The "taste messaging" occurs via bluetooth when a control module sends the color and sourness information to a custom tumbler.


The special tumbler has a rim of silver electrodes that that serve as a sourness simulator giving off 800-Hz pulses to tempt taste buds, and an LED device at the bottom of the tumbler gives off a mini light show by diffusing color through the water. The real lemonade tasted sourer than the virtual, but overall, there were no significant differences of real and virtual flavor.

这种特殊的平底杯有一圈银电极作为酸性模拟器发出800赫兹的脉冲冲击味蕾,杯底的发光二极管装置通过在水中扩散颜色发出微光。真正的柠檬汽水比虚拟的要酸一点, 但总的来说,两者并没有十分显著的区别。

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