凯瑞·穆里根 | 呼吁提高全球痴呆症意识

凯瑞·穆里根 | 呼吁提高全球痴呆症意识


Your Excellency, United Nations Secretary General, Your Excellency, executive director of UN Women, ladies and gentlemen, it is an honor to be here today to support the unite campaign. As we all agree when it comes to protecting women from violence, we should leave no one behind. I’m here today to speak for women left behind because of ignorance, because of prejudice, because they have simply dealt a card that gave them a medical condition “dementia”.


I’ve experienced first time how devastating dementia can be is my grandmother nans lived with Alzheimer and passed away earlier this year. For too many years, dementia has been dismissed as a natural part of aging. It’s not. Dementia is a global health priority affecting millions. One person develops dementia every three seconds.


As a UK Alzheimer’s Society ambassador, I’ve seen perceptions start to shift. There is growing recognition of the scale of the problem exemplified by the adoption of the World Health Organization’s recent global action plan on dementia.

作为一名英国阿兹海默症社区大使,我注意到人们的观念开始发生转变。越来越多的人开始从世界卫生组织最近的一项针对“失智症”的全球性行动来了解 “失智症”的衡量标准。

Yet a key issue continues to be overlooked: Women are disproportionately affected by dementia. More women than men live with the condition. They provide the majority of care support and they face the greatest stigma. This is why I’m supporting the Global Alzheimer’s and dementia Action Alliance to champion this urgent cause for women.


I was recently made aware of a woman who lives in South Africa and cares for her older sister with advanced dementia. They’ve been outcast, because the community in which they live view her symptoms as evidence of a terrible curse. This is happening in many countries. Dementia stigma exists universally and can lead to abuse and violence against women.


I’ve heard reports of women with dementia across the world being mistreated, assaulted, having their assets seized, accused of witchcraft, and even murdered, all due to the combination of their condition and gender.


I appeared in a short film on dementia recently with Kiki Edwards, a leading advocate in Nigeria. Kiki speaks out for women with dementia symptoms who were accused of witchcraft, and reports the women with dementia being stoned or even burnt to death. Kiki herself has been accused of witchcraft simply because she supports those with the condition.

我最近在一部关于“失智症”的微电影中与Kiki Edwards一同出境,她是一名尼日利亚的活动的主要拥护者。Kiki为那些被指控为使用巫术的“失智症”女性患者呼吁,并报道了“失智症”患者被处以石刑、甚至是焚烧致死的情况。Kiki她自己也被指控使用巫术,仅仅因为她对那些患者表示了支持。

To end violence against women with dementia, awareness is vital. Communities must recognize that dementia is a medical condition. The UK has championed global action on dementia, and I am honored the UK government appointed me as a Global Dementia Friends Ambassador. “Dementia Friends” is a program that increases understanding of dementia. And now 27 countries are changing how people think, act, and talk about the condition.


Without action, the world is woefully underprepared for the dementia crisis, and we risk leaving some of the most underserved and marginalized women behind. I hope governments and civil societies partners around the world get behind this global challenge and unite for world with no woman faces violence because of her dementia. I believe that dementia is a global women’s health and human rights issue that can no longer be ignored. Thank you very much.


  • liucuiiiiy

    Like her voice

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  • Keira_3r
