4.10 热门:BBC史诗级纪录片造假

4.10 热门:BBC史诗级纪录片造假


BBC treehouse scene faked

The BBC has admitted scenes in a TV documentary which showed a tribe building and moving into treehouses high up in the rainforest were staged by producers. The broadcaster said an episode of the 2011 series "Human Planet" breached editorial standards by inaccurately portraying the Korowai people, who live in a remote area of the Indonesian province of West Papua.


It is not the first time the eight-part series has been embroiled in a fakery scandal. In 2015 it emerged the production crew used a semi-domesticated wolf after being unable to find a wild wolf to film on location. In 2011 it was revealed the BBC had filmed shots of a tarantula (塔兰图拉毒蛛) in-studio for an episode about wildlife in the Venezuelan jungle.


Workers' pregnancy timetable


Japanese workers are being given schedules dictating when they can get married or give birth, it has been revealed. The disturbing trend first came to light after a nursery worker's husband spoke out to say his wife was being bullied by her boss for getting pregnant "out of turn".


The policy is common in workplaces where the majority of staff is female, to make sure the workload is spread evenly. Japan is notorious for its tough working conditions and punishing schedules which have led to some staff members dropping dead on the job. 


That culture has left precious little time for raising a family and is rapidly causing a population crisis, with fewer babies born last year than at any time since records began in 1899. In turn, this places more pressure on workers, as they have to take on increased duties to make up for declining numbers of staff.


Employees set their salary


A London betting firm offers employees the chance to decide their own salary as well as being able to check what their colleagues are paid. Smarkets encourages their staff to have pay rise requests endorsed by peers who offer suggestions on a suitable rise percentage. 


However if the person isn't happy with the suggestions given they can also come up with their own request, which is typically between 10-30%. The radical pay transparency policy also allows staff to check their colleagues' salaries in a bid to minimize the gender pay gap. 


Software engineer Caglar Senel said allowing employees to see each other's salaries is a way through which companies can ensure equal pay. However several staff believed that the same approach may not work everywhere as pay transparency could be demotivating.


Space hotel to be launched


Startup company Orion Span announced at the Space 2.0 Summit in San Jose, California it would be launching a luxury hotel in orbit in 2022. Orion Span says its hotel Aurora Station will be about the size of a large private jet's cabin, with 5,650 cubic feet of pressurized space. It'll accommodate up to six residents at a time, including two professional crew members.

初创公司Orion Span近日在加州圣何塞举办的太空2.0峰会上宣布,将于2022年推出一家在轨太空豪华酒店。Orion Span表示,其酒店Aurora Station大小与大型私人客机的机舱相仿,内置5650立方英尺的高压舱,最多可同时容纳六名乘客,其中包括两名专业太空乘务员。

Guests would go through three months of pre-flight training at a facility in Houston, and then be launched to Aurora Station in space. The price tag for a 12-day package is $9.5 million.

在被送往太空中的Aurora Station酒店前,游客先要在休斯敦的设施内接受三个月的飞行前培训。一个为期12天的行程套餐标价950万美元。

 "We will later sell dedicated modules as the world's first condominiums in space. Future Aurora owners can live in, visit or sublease their space condo." Orion Span founder and CEO Frank Bunger said.

Orion Span创始人兼首席执行官巴格表示:"之后我们将把专用舱室作为世界首批太空公寓出售,未来其所有者可居住、拜访或转租他们的太空公寓。"

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  • Eternal_Memories

    第一次听说BBC造假 其实有点失望的 还是诚信更重要!

    听友263976702 回复 @余从阳3L: 啊对对对

  • 大帅哥2000


    JALM 回复 @大帅哥2000: 我也是😂😂不过这两个我都听不懂

  • Daniel_85z


    是个小可爱的天天子 回复 @Daniel_85z: 英音 美音特别夸张的

  • 1391532kupq


    韦桦 回复 @1391532kupq: 外国人读的

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