4.9 热门:常看演唱会可延年益寿

4.9 热门:常看演唱会可延年益寿


QR code tombstones

Several cemeteries in Kunming, Yunnan have installed QR codes on tombstones that link to a multimedia profile about the life of the person. It also contains GPS coordinates of the grave, so it can easily be marked on a map. 


The new product also allows for virtual "tomb sweeping". The QR code profile also allows mourners to give relatives an environmentally-friendly virtual gift. Some people are in favor of the new product, saying it helps to preserve the memory of the deceased for posterity. 


But others have raised concerns about the potential for personal information of the deceased to be misused. QR codes on tombstones have been introduced into cemeteries in several cities in China in recent years. Some companies in the industry are planning to use 3D printing technology to create the codes.


Gig-going extends life span


A new study suggests that fortnightly gig attendance extends life expectancy by nine years. In fact, just 20 minutes at a concert can increase your well-being by 21% - compared to 10% for yoga and 7% for dog-walking. 


The report, commissioned by O2 (owner of some of the UK's largest music venues) and Goldsmiths University of London, reveals "the power of live music on the human body and mind". The gig experience, O2 claimed, boosted participants' perceptions of well-being. Feelings of self-worth and closeness to others rose 25%, and mental stimulation skyrocketed by 75%.


Machine sells 'mood snacks'


An installation artwork by artists Elizabeth Commandeur and Mark Starmach is placed in Sydney's CBD - a special vending machine that is filled with "conveniently packaged consumables for the mind." Instead of crappy crisps, this vending machine dispenses "snacks" based on your emotional needs. 


These little packets are themed around connection, spontaneity, friendship, bravery, reassurance, purpose, structure and imagination. Each little packet is AU$2, and inside you will find things like maps, notes, pencils and written prompts to help you level up on that emotional health of yours. The vending machine will hop around Sydney's CBD, operating in Martin Place, Pitt Street Mall and Circular Quay until April 8. 


Woman takes baby to exam


Afghan farmer Jahantab Ahmadi sits on the ground, her baby resting in her lap, as she focuses on the university entrance exam. The powerful photo, taken by a professor at Nasir Khusraw private university in Afghanistan, has gone viral after striking a chord in a country where most women are illiterate and treated as second-class citizens.


 "I don't want to be deprived of my studies," said Ahmadi. "I want to work outside the house. I want to become a doctor, someone who serves women in my community or society." Ahmadi's story has resonated with social media users across the country, who have praised her determination to be educated.


An online GoFundMe campaign launched by the Afghan Youth Association to help pay for her university fees has so far raised more than $14,000.(See photo)


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