天赋和后天努力,哪个更关键?【刻意练习 01A】

天赋和后天努力,哪个更关键?【刻意练习 01A】


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Peak 01 

The true character of perfect pitch was revealed in 2014, thanks to a beautiful experiment carried out at the Ichionkai Music School in Tokyo and reported in the scientific journal Psychology of Music. The Japanese psychologist Ayako Sakakibara recruited twenty-four children between the ages of two and six and put them through a months-long training course designed to teach them to identify, simply by their sound, various chords played on the piano. The chords were all major chords with three notes, such as a C-major chord with middle C and the E and G notes immediately above middle C. The children were given four or five short training sessions per day, each lasting just a few minutes, and each child continued training until he or she could identify all fourteen of the target chords that Sakakibara had selected. Some of the children completed the training in less than a year, while others took as long as a year and a half. Then, once a child had learned to identify the fourteen chords, Sakakibara tested that child to see if he or she could correctly name individual notes. After completing training every one of the children in the study had developed perfect pitch and could identify individual notes played on the piano.

This is an astonishing result. While in normal circumstances only one in every ten thousand people develops perfect pitch, every single one of Sakakibara’s students did. The clear implication is that perfect pitch, far from being a gift bestowed upon only a lucky few, is an ability that pretty much anyone can develop with the right exposure and training. The study has completely rewritten our understanding of perfect pitch.

  • Amy20180101Alice


    Laurence_of 回复 @Amy20180101Alice: 会有电子版的讲义:)

  • 1384680etjw


    Laurence_of 回复 @1384680etjw: 我是湖北人

  • anycall76


    疯一半的疯子 回复 @anycall76: 同上

  • 听友103165323


    1530478chnl 回复 @听友103165323: b0

  • 召影


  • Eric的空白昵称


  • 仰望星空_quy


  • 他的故事90


  • 他的故事90


    Laurence_of 回复 @他的故事90: 你说的是有道理的,只不过一方面标题被审核过,不能轻易改,另一方面标题也更需贴合大众的疑惑,因为一说到天赋,人们想到的与之相对的就是“努力”。所以,我们先理解内容就好,那是关键,仍然非常感谢你的提议

  • Beginagain20
