99岁的奇迹-Miracle Worker

99岁的奇迹-Miracle Worker




A 99-year-old Miracle Worker

A 99-year-old Australian senior swimmer has smashed a worldrecord.

smash / break a world record   打破世界纪录

George Corones returned to swimming at 80,purely forthe "exercise," but has nowetched his name into the history books.

   purely for...     单纯为了...

   etch ... into ...     把...铭记/铭刻于...

He swam at an official 50-metrefreestyleswimming event in Queensland, andset a new recordfor the 100-104 age range with a time of 56.12 seconds,overtaking the existing recordof one minute and 31 seconds.

   freestyle    adj. 自由式的

   set a new record     创造新的纪录

   overtake   v. 超过;强烈影响

   the existing record     现在的纪录

Corones was the onlycompetitorin the event, as the race was organised specifically for him tobeat the record.

  competitor  n. 竞争者;选手

  beat a record  打破纪录

Corones is sheepish about what he has done and he is happy if his record encourages other masters-level swimmers to join him.

  be sheepish about  对...局促不安/羞怯的

  masters-level   adj. 大师级水平的

Swimming is the only activity that the human can indulge in that is gravity-free.” he says.

  indulge in   沉迷于;沉浸在   

  gravity-free   adj. 失重的

  • 家肥屋润
