Daily Easy English Expression
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花玖儿呀 回复 @地铁小团子: 看上去你家狗应该是只哈士奇
What are you getting at the store? I am going to stuck up on water. What about cookies? Those too. Yeah!
I stucked up on sanitary towels on last sunday because they are on sale.
1371227bwsk 回复 @魏欢颜: stock
to stock up on something
What are you going to buy at the grocery store? I'm gonna stock up on instant noodles and different kind of fruit.
We are gonna stock up on everything we need
What are you getting at the store~ I am going to stuck up on water~ How about cookies~ Yes.Those too
Harry1008 回复 @薄荷C5: 谢谢你,对话侠