Hello, I'm Hugh Bonneville. I play Henry Brown in Paddington. Welcome to 32 Windsor Gardens, home of the Brown family and of a bear called Paddington. Oops. But thanks to the magic of cinema, here we are in the hall.
So the exteriors of the house are actually filmed in Primrose Hill in North London. And these sets are actually in the studio.
Come with me. This is the living roomand the kitchen beyond.I can rememberbeing on this setof the firstPaddington filmand fallingin love with it,and I know thatlots of peoplewho've enjoyedthe filmswant to live at 32Windsor Gardens,and I don't blame them.
Revisiting this set for the first time on this third film was rather special, especially when I noticed on the bookshelf this photograph of little Sam and little Maddie. It's been very lovely to come back and revisit an old haunt.
But the Browns have been remodelingthe homeover the years,and there'sanother roomI want to showyou that's new.It used tobe a cupboard,and now it's Mrs.Bird's utility room.And I thinkyou've got a cluefrom all thethe tools on the walland this particularfuze box,that she's upto something.
Of course, Mrs. Bird is played by Julie Walters, and she is ridiculously inventive in her comedy and in her character. I just love Mrs. Bird.
I think this is perhaps the most enchanting and memorable space in the whole house. And my favorite gag is the foot of the stairs. Brilliant.
So follow me, we’ll have a look up stairs. And this is Henry and Mary's bedroom. And this is Judy's bedroom. As I said, we've been working together for ten years, so they're not little children anymore. But luckily they’re still childlike and good fun.
Well, thanks for joining me. I'm going to get back on to another set now. So why don't you go upstairs and see where Paddington hangs out?
Dear Aunt Lucy, life in London is still quite wonderful. I still feel very much at home. With lots of love from Paddington.