威廉王子 | 公布2024年“地球奋斗奖”入围者名单

威廉王子 | 公布2024年“地球奋斗奖”入围者名单


I'm delighted to introduce you to this year's 15new Earthshot Prize Finalists. These solutions are some of the most exciting, innovative and impactful. We've seen and the people behind them are true inspirations. I know you're as passionate as I am about making a difference to our planet and  we can't wait to share their stories with you.


The 2024 Earthshot Prize Finalists are... ToBuild a Waste-Free World Ferment'Up. What we are doing is actually keeping food as food producing ingredients that are better for you and better for the planet.

2024年“为地球奋斗奖”最终入围者是...... 建立无废世界:Ferment'Up。我们所做的实际上是将食物作为食物,生产出对人体更有益、对地球更有益的成分。

NFW. If the products you buycome from nature they can end well by going back to nature.


Keep IT Cool. I'm very happy that I canhelp the community to be more resilient be more adaptive and secure their livelihoods.

Keep IT Cool. 我很高兴能让社区更有弹性、更具适应力并确保他们的生计。

To CleanOur Air... GAYO. As the world sees waste GAYO sees an opportunity to make a leap to create jobs and to ensure just inclusion.


d.light. We willcelebrate all the many advancements that we have in technology but all that means is the people without access to energy are getting further and  further away from where the rest of the world is. 

d.light. 我们在庆祝在技术方面取得的所有进步时,意味着无法获得能源的人们离世界其他地方越来越远。

MYCL. The beauty of this mycelium technology iswe can create more and more new innovations to save the planet.


To Revive Our Oceans,MiAlgae. There's fish in the ocean that we're mincing up and then you got these alal blooms that are causing real issues. Can you solve both at the same time?


High Ambition Coalition for Nature andPeople. I'm going to show you how through this solution we're able to mobilize government to boost ambition and protect more nature by 2030. 

High Ambition Coalition for Nature andPeople. 我将向大家展示,通过这一解决方案,我们如何动员政府提高雄心,在2030年之前保护更多的自然生态。

Coast 4C. The potential for regenerative seaweed farming to revive our oceans is absolutely phenomenal and at Coast 4C what we're trying to do is to really help modernize that production and ensure that it's sustainable.

再生海藻养殖让海洋生机盎然的潜力绝对惊人,在Coast 4C,我们要做的就是真正帮助实现现代化生产,并确保其可持续发展。

To Protect andRestore Nature, Altyn Dala. I will show you how we conserve a prehistoric landscape with modern technologies local knowledge and global partnership.

保护和恢复自然风貌:Altyn Dala。我将向您展示我们如何利用现代技术、本地知识和全球伙伴关系保护史前景观。

Nature Metrics. We're going to showyou how we use EdNA to make biodiversity truly measurable at scale.

Nature Metrics. 我们将向您展示如何利用EdNA技术真正大规模衡量生物多样性。

Amazon Sacred Headwaters. I can show you from my work that with unity, everything is possible.

Amazon Sacred Headwaters. 我可以从我的工作中告诉你,只要团结一致,一切皆有可能。

To Fix Our Climate, Build up Nepal. Everyenterprise that we support becomes like a sustainable economic engine in that area, they creating jobs to build houses year after year long after we have left.

共同解决气候问题:Build up Nepal. 我们支持的每一家企业都会成为该地区可持续发展的经济引擎,在我们离开后的很长一段时间里,他们年复一年地为当地创造就业机会,建造房屋。

Equatic. I'm goingto show you how we're going to remove carbon dioxide from the world's oceans and the atmosphere using the Equatic process.  

Equatic. 我将向你们展示如何利用Equatic工艺从世界海洋和大气中清除二氧化碳。

Advanced Thermovolaic Systems. Somethingthat can turn heat which is everywhere in every instance into usable clean electricity is just mind-blowing.

Advanced Thermovolaic Systems. 能将无处不在的热量转化为可用的清洁电力,这简直令人难以置信。

