伊索寓言022 - THE HARES AND THE FROGS 野兔与青蛙

伊索寓言022 - THE HARES AND THE FROGS 野兔与青蛙


The Hares once gathered together and lamented the unhappiness of theirlot, exposed as they were to dangers on all sides and lacking the strength andthe courage to hold their own. Men, dogs, birds and beasts of prey were alltheir enemies, and killed and devoured them daily: and sooner than endure suchpersecution any longer, they one and all determined to end their miserablelives. Thus resolved and desperate, they rushed in a body towards a neighboringpool, intending to drown themselves. On the bank were sitting a number ofFrogs, who, when they heard the noise of the Hares as they ran, with one accordleaped into the water and hid themselves in the depths. Then one of the olderHares who was wiser than the rest cried out to his companions, "Stop, myfriends, take heart; don't let us destroy ourselves after all: see, here are creatureswho are afraid of us, and who must, therefore, be still more timid thanourselves."

有一次,众多野兔聚集在一起,哀悼自己的不幸命运,方方面面都遭遇危险,而他们却缺乏勇气和力量去掌握自己的命 运。人、狗、鸟类和猛兽等都是他们的敌人,整日屠杀吞噬他们。一想到要忍受这样的迫害,他们都认为还不如一死了之呢。于是,他们下定决心、不顾一切地来到附近的池塘边,准备投水自尽。有一群青蛙正围坐在池塘边,听到兔子们那急促的跑步声后,青蛙们立即纷纷跳入水中。兔子中,有一只年长的兔子比同伴们聪明一些,“朋友们,快停下来,我们应该振作起来,不要再自寻短见了!你们看,这里还有一些害怕我们的动物呢,他们肯定比我们更胆小!”

