第2344期:Everest Growing Taller than Expected(2)

第2344期:Everest Growing Taller than Expected(2)


"A classic example is in Scandinavia, where the land is still rising in response to the melting of thick ice sheets that covered the region during the last Ice Age. This process continues today, affecting coastlines and landscapes, thousands of years after the ice retreated," Dai said.

“一个典型的例子是斯堪的纳维亚半岛,由于上一个冰河时期覆盖该地区的厚冰盖融化,该地区的土地仍在上升。在冰消退数千年之后,这一过程仍在继续,影响着海岸线和景观。 ,”戴说。

Study co-writer Adam Smith, a University College London doctoral student, said GPS measurements show the continued rising of Everest and the rest of the Himalayas.

研究合著者、伦敦大学学院博士生亚当·史密斯表示,GPS 测量显示珠穆朗玛峰和喜马拉雅山其他地区的海拔持续上升。

This uplift is faster than the continued surface erosion caused by wind, rain and river flow. As this erosion continues, Everest's uplift rate from isostatic rebound may increase, Smith said.

这种抬升速度比风、雨和河水造成的持续地表侵蚀还要快。 史密斯说,随着这种侵蚀的继续,珠穆朗玛峰因均衡回弹而上升的速度可能会增加。

Neighboring mountains, including Lhotse, the world's fourth highest, and Makalu, the fifth highest, also get a boost from the same process. Lhotse is experiencing an uplift rate similar to Everest. Makalu has a slightly higher uplift rate.

邻近的山脉,包括世界第四高的洛子峰和第五高的马卡鲁峰,也从同一过程中得到了推动。 洛子峰的上升速度与珠穆朗玛峰类似。 马卡鲁的抬升率略高。

Dai said that the research shows our planet's changing nature. Even a seemingly unchanging element like Mount Everest is "subject to ongoing geological processes, reminding us that Earth is constantly changing, often in ways imperceptible in our daily lives."

戴说,这项研究表明我们星球的性质正在发生变化。 即使像珠穆朗玛峰这样看似不变的元素也“受到持续的地质过程的影响,提醒我们地球正在不断变化,而且通常以我们日常生活中难以察觉的方式变化。”

Earth's rigid outer part is divided into large plates that move slowly over time. The Himalayas rose following a collision between two plates.

地球坚硬的外部被分成许多大板块,这些板块随着时间的推移缓慢移动。 喜马拉雅山是在两个板块碰撞后升起的。

Everest is located on the border between Nepal and the Tibet Autonomous Region of China. It was named for George Everest, a 19th century British surveyor in India.

珠穆朗玛峰位于尼泊尔和中国西藏自治区之间的边界。 它以 19 世纪英国驻印度测量员乔治·珠穆朗玛峰的名字命名。

"Mount Everest occupies a unique place in human consciousness," Dai said.


"Physically, it represents Earth's highest point," giving it a lot of importance simply because of its size, Dai explained.


He added that Everest has cultural importance to local Sherpa and Tibetan communities. Worldwide, Dai said, the mountain represents a big test for human endurance.

他补充说,珠穆朗玛峰对当地夏尔巴人和西藏社区具有文化重要性。 戴秉国说,在世界范围内,这座山是对人类耐力的一次巨大考验。

