第2331期:NASA Spacecraft to Look for Signs of Life on Jupiter(2)

第2331期:NASA Spacecraft to Look for Signs of Life on Jupiter(2)


These kinds of “gravity assists” are expected to provide the needed push to get the spacecraft to Jupiter by 2030. 

这些“重力辅助”预计将为 2030 年航天器抵达木星提供所需的推动力。

After reaching Jupiter, Europa Clipper will then spend about one year preparing for the flybys of Europa. 


NASA says the spacecraft is equipped with nine different scientific instruments. They are designed to collect data from all areas of the moon. None of the instruments themselves were built with the ability to confirm the existence of life forms. But they are designed to investigate Europa’s icy surface and the composition of the moon’s underground ocean for signs of possible life. 


Team leaders say Europa Clipper will also use several cameras – including two using infrared technology – to map the moon in greater detail than in the past. Radar technology will also be used to collect data on the moon’s interior and to measure gravity. Together, the instruments and cameras will seek information about Europa’s current and past chemistry and geology. 

团队负责人表示,Europa Clipper 还将使用多个相机(其中两个使用红外技术)来比过去更详细地绘制月球地图。雷达技术还将用于收集月球内部的数据并测量重力。这些仪器和相机将共同寻找有关木卫二当前和过去的化学和地质的信息。 

Gina DiBraccio is the acting director of NASA’s planetary science division in Washington. She told the press briefing the agency is pleased to finally be moving the mission forward after years of planning and preparation. “As an ocean world, Europa is very intriguing. And this mission is going to help us to understand a complex piece of our solar system.” 

吉娜·迪布拉西奥 (Gina DiBraccio) 是美国宇航局华盛顿行星科学部门的代理主任。她在新闻发布会上表示,经过多年的规划和准备,该机构很高兴终于能够推进任务。“作为一个海洋世界,木卫二非常有趣。这项任务将帮助我们了解太阳系的复杂部分。” 

Jordan Evans is Europa Clipper’s project manager. He said the last part of the preparation process involved testing of electronic transistors widely used on the spacecraft. His team wanted to make sure the transistors could survive the large amounts of radiation Europa Clipper is expected to be hit with in space. 

乔丹·埃文斯 (Jordan Evans) 是 Europa Clipper 的项目经理。他说,准备过程的最后一部分涉及测试航天器上广泛使用的电子晶体管。他的团队希望确保晶体管能够承受欧罗巴快艇预计在太空中遭受的大量辐射。 

After the tests, Evans said mission leaders were persuaded that the transistors could recover from the effects of heavy radiation during breaks from flybys of the moon. He said this meant all elements of the mission should be able to be carried out as planned.


Evans added, “We are ready for Jupiter.” 


