蒂尔达·斯文顿 | 谈电影《隔壁房间》关于死亡

蒂尔达·斯文顿 | 谈电影《隔壁房间》关于死亡


I mean we talked so much about life. It feels to me as if the film is about life and I have to confess that I feel closer kinship in terms of attitude, in terms of experience and in terms of outlook to Martha than I do to Ingrid.


I personally am not frightened of death and I haven't never been. I know that we stop. I think the whole journey towards accepting death can be long for some people, for some reason and for certain experiences in my life. It came quite early, I know it's coming, I feel it coming, I see it coming. I support my friends when they transition, let's say.


But we talked a lot about life and we didn't really talk about death at all. I mean what can you say about death. You can talk about dying and one of the things that this film is a portrait of is self-determination.


Somebody who decides absolutely to take her life and her living and her dying into her own hands and make it how she wants it to be, as far as she can. She wants to go on living. It's not that she wants to die, but it's about a triumph I think this film. It's really a triumph.


And there's something about this reverie that we entered when we went to the house in the woods, this decision of Martha's. She says I don't I when Ingrid asks her where do you want to be, what do you want to do in these last weeks.

当我们来到树林里的房子时,就陷入了一种遐想之中,也就是玛莎的决定。当英格里德问她 你想去哪里,你想在最后几周做什么时。

She says I don't want to be somewhere familiar. She has this idea of adventure, of transport. It's going to be... as she keeps rather annoyingly saying to Ingrid, a vacation. This feeling of it being a celebration, it’s I felt for me very real and very relatable and I can't say that I wouldn't act in exactly the same way if I were in her shoes.


