乔安娜·林莉 | 朗读《不可能的人生》(节选)

乔安娜·林莉 | 朗读《不可能的人生》(节选)


Dear Morris,亲爱的莫里斯,
Thank you so much! I'm not in the habit of getting back to emails, not that I get a great many of them. I don't really do the internet at all. I don't have social media. All I have is WhatsApp and I rarely even use that. But with your message, I felt I must reply and reply properly.谢谢你的来信!我没有回邮件的习惯,也不是说我收到了很多邮件。因为我根本不上网,我没有社交媒体。我只有WhatsApp,而且很少用。但看到你的留言,我觉得我必须回复,而且要好好回复。
I am so sorry for all you have been through. I remember your mother from Parents Evenings, I liked her. I remember her as serious, but with a little smile twisting the corners of her mouth when she spoke about you. You clearly cheered her up just being you. And that was a real achievement, especially for a teenager.对你所经历的一切,我深表遗憾。我还记得《父母之夜》中你的母亲,我很喜欢她。在我的印象中,她很严肃,但在谈到你时,嘴角会露出一丝微笑。很明显,你的存在让她很开心。特别是对于一个十几岁的孩子来说,这真是一项非常了不起的成就。
I started writing a response to you and it just grew and grew far beyond a little email. I have been meaning to write this all down for quite some time now to be honest with you. And your message was the perfect prompt.我开始回复你的留言,后来越写越多,远远超出了一封电子邮件。老实说,我早就想把这些写下来了。而你的留言就是最好的提示。
What I'm about to tell you is a story even I find hard to believe. Please don't feel any obligation to take my word for anything. But know that nothing in this is made up. I have never believed in Magic and I still don't. But what sometimes looks like magic is simply a part of life we don't understand yet.我要告诉你的是一个连我自己都难以相信的故事。请不要觉得有义务相信我的话。但要知道,这里面没有任何东西是编造出来的。我从不相信魔法,现在也是。但有时看起来像魔法的东西,只是我们还不了解的生活的一部分。
I can't promise that my story will help you believe in the impossible. But it is a tale as true as any of a person who felt that there was no point left in her existence. And then found the greatest purpose she had ever known. And I think I have a duty to share it.我无法保证我的故事会让你相信不可能的事。但这是一个真实的故事,就像任何一个人觉得她的存在没有任何意义一样,然后找到了她一生中最伟大的目标。我觉得我有责任和大家分享。
I am definitely no role model as will probably become clear. I have felt a lot of guilt in my life. And in a way, this story is about that. I hope you find some of it valuable. Please find it attached.我绝对不是什么榜样,这一点也许会很清楚。在我的生活中,我感到过很多内疚。在某种程度上,这个故事就是关于这一点的。我希望你能从中找到一些有价值的东西。请见附件。
Very best wishes,致你最美好的祝愿,

