10. Chocolate Milk

10. Chocolate Milk


James took the milk out of the refrigerator. He put the carton of milk on the counter. He took the cap off the carton of milk. He opened the kitchen cabinet. He took a glass out of the cabinet. He put the glass on the counter next to the milk. He poured some milk into the glass. He put the cap back on the carton of milk. He put the milk back into the refrigerator. He took the chocolate syrup out of the refrigerator. He poured some chocolate syrup into the glass of milk. He stirred the milk with a spoon. He licked the spoon.


out of从…里面;离开 ; 从…的状态中 ; 越出…之外

kitchen cabinet 厨房内阁,私人顾问团

next to 紧邻; 在…近旁 ; 仅次于 ; 紧接 ; 几乎

poured 使连续流出; 倾倒 ; 倒出 ; 涌流 ; 倾泻 ; 喷发 ; 倒,斟 ; pour的过去分词和过去式

back on 背靠

back into 倒进…, 倒入;退入, 倒车撞上 ; 用臀部或背部与对方接触

syrup 糖水; 糖浆

stirred搅动; 搅和 ; 搅拌 ; 微动 ; 行动,活动 ; stir的过去分词和过去式

licked 舔; 舔吃 ; 舔着喝 ; 掠过 ; 舔食 ; lick的过去分词和过去式

  • 海宝宝9o_o9


    白首卧松云 回复 @海宝宝9o_o9: ta没有说自己牛,英语学习本来就要多提出自己的见解,别把甘于无知当成谦虚低调┐(─__─)┌,ta至少比你牛

  • slience阿成


  • 分_解_的_魚


    分_解_的_魚 回复 @晚风藏匿处: 是繁体字啊

  • MissLi_a3

    refrigerators 冰箱 carton 纸盒 counter 柜台 syrup 糖浆 stirred 搅拌 cabinet 橱柜 licked 舔

  • wendyfang516

    a carton of milk 一盒牛奶 the kitchen cabinet 厨房的餐具柜 chocolate syrup 巧克力糖浆 take out of 取出 take ...off 取下 put ...on 把...放上 put ...back on 把...放回去 put ...into... 把...放进去

    雨晴爱学习 回复 @wendyfang516: 感谢🙏

  • 快乐天使112233


  • pings_78
  • 烽火连三月_f4


    冰晶_vg 回复 @烽火连三月_f4: 加油,奥利给。

  • 黑色小蝴蝶


  • 18018613bzb

    啊,嗯…… 慢速英语是真的有点慢了啊……

    听友310306038 回复 @18018613bzb: 可以自己调速度