乔安娜·林莉 | 丽贝卡的故事

乔安娜·林莉 | 丽贝卡的故事


Rebecca always had what it takes to run her own business, but without the money she needed to get started. She was struggling to provide for her children. Her family believed in her. Her friends believed in her and thankfully someone like you believed in her too.丽贝卡一直具备自己做生意的条件,但却没有创业所需的资金。她为养活家庭孩子而苦苦挣扎。她的家人相信她,她的朋友相信她,幸好还有像您这样的人相信她。
When they gave Rebecca a small loan through Lendwithcare to help her grow her business. Now Rebecca's business and her family are thriving.他们通过“关爱贷款”向丽贝卡提供了小额贷款,帮助她发展业务。现在,丽贝卡的生意和她的家庭都蒸蒸日上。
Lendwithcare is a unique way to support people in low income countries, to work themselves out of poverty. You can lend as little as £15 and choose from entrepreneurs all over the world. And when your loan is repaid, you can lend again. Like Carol who made her first loan to support a farmer in Zambia.“关爱贷款”是一种支持低收入国家人民通过小额贷款摆脱贫困的独特方式。您只需借出15英镑,就可以从世界各地的创业者中进行选择受资助者。贷款还清后,您还可以再次贷款。像卡罗尔,她的第一次贷款就用来支持了一位赞比亚的农民。
Go to Lendwithcare.org and support an amazing entrepreneur like Rebecca today. It's incredible what we can do when we believe in each other.去“关爱贷款”网站支持像丽贝卡这样出色的企业家吧。当我们相信彼此的时,我们能做到的事情是超乎想象的。

